Cardinal Advincula asks faithful to remain steadfast in their faith amid pandemic

Archbishop-elect of Manila Cardinal Jose F. Advincula said the faithful should remain steadfast in their faith amid the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

Cardinal Jose Advincula (Photo courtesy of CASYC / CBCP VIA PIA / FILE PHOTO)

"I would like to ask the people to, in the midst of this difficulty brought about by the pandemic, to remain steadfast in their faith and to avail of the spiritual benefits given by the church even through virtual means," he said in a recorded interview with one of his priests in Capiz that was released to the media on Wednesday, March 31.

With the surge in COVID-19 cases, Advincula advised the faithful to stay at home this Holy Week.

"We have to celebrate it as much as possible away from other people specially in Manila where there are many restrictions because of new cases, stay at home and be extra careful," he said.

The prelate also believes that the government is doing its best to address the pandemic.

"I think the government is trying its best to address the COVID problem," Advincula said.

On March 28, Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines president Davao Archbishop Romulo Valles asked the faithful to pray fervently and unceasingly for an end to the pandemic alarmed by the rise of COVID-19 infections in the country.

READ: CBCP asks faithful to intensify prayer for end of pandemic

The prelate also urged everyone not to forget those suffering from the pandemic, especially the poor families and those who lost their daily income in order to put food on the table.

The CBCP head said people should also be reminded of the importance of observing strictly hygiene protocols every time and everywhere during this pandemic.