Muntinlupa LGU distributes ‘ayuda’ to disadvantaged groups

The Muntinlupa City government has distributed food boxes or “ayuda” to disadvantaged groups in the city.

Muntinlupa Tricycle Regulatory Unit chief Willy Gomez (left) leads the distribution of food boxes to tricycle drivers and operators in Muntinlupa (Muntinlupa PIO/MANILA BULLETIN)

Among the recipients were indigent residents and displaced workers to help them cope with the economic disruption under the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) imposed in the National Capital Region and four provinces until April 4. 

Public Information Officer Tez Navarro said the Muntinlupa Social Service Department provided 9,989 food packages, each containing grocery items worth P785, to tricycle and jeepney operators and drivers, daily wage earners who were affected by the lockdown, families of city scholars, and other members of disadvantaged groups for the month of March.

She said Mayor Jaime Fresnedi ordered the continuous distribution of food boxes to Muntinlupa residents as part of the city government’s economic recovery program.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in March last year up to the present, the city government has distributed 695,184 food boxes to residents.

As of March 30, Muntinlupa has 1,015 active coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases. It recorded a total of 7,228 confirmed cases, including 6,013 recoveries, and 200 deaths. 

Amid the restrictions imposed under ECQ, the city government continues to inoculate health workers and frontliners using vaccines from the national government. 

A total of 5,657 frontline health workers in various hospitals including the Ospital ng Muntinlupa and Asian Hospital and Medical Center have received their first dose of the vaccine. 

The city is currently completing the inoculation of city health workers including members of barangay health emergency teams and contact tracers.

On March 31, the city government received an additional 3,000 vials of Sinovac Life Science’s CoronaVac vaccine.