Japan airs concern over Chinese vessels in West PH Sea

Japan has echoed the concerns of the Philippines and the United States over the presence of more than 200 Chinese vessels reportedly lingering and moored around Julian Felipe Reef (Whitsun Reef), an area located within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Koshikawa Kazuhiko

In a tweet, Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Koshikawa Kazuhiko said Japan strongly opposes any action that heightens tensions, noting that the South China Sea issues are directly related to peace and stability and concern for all. 

“We support the enforcement of rule of law in the sea and work with the international community to protect the free, open and peaceful seas,” the Japanese envoy said. 

The United States earlier said it stands with its oldest ally in Asia, the Philippines, following China’s latest incursions in Philippine waters. 

“We share the concerns of our Philippine allies. The PRC uses maritime militia to intimidate, provoke, and threaten other nations, which undermines peace and security in the region,” the US Embassy said in a statement.

It said the Chinese boats have been mooring in and around the Julian Felipe Reef “for many months in ever-increasing numbers, regardless of the weather.”