Amid surge in COVID-19 cases, ACT asks DepEd: ‘What are the numbers and what are you doing to help?’

A teachers’ federation urged the Department of Education (DepEd) to immediately release an updated report on the coronavirus infections among its personnel as well as the course of action the agency is taking to assist those who tested positive for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) among teaching and non-teaching employees.

The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) Philippines made this appeal following the record-high daily COVID-19 national infection data in the past days, reports of infection among teachers in Zambales, and the lockdown of DepEd Central Office in Pasig City due to exposure.

“With the alarming surge of COVID infection, we are worried about the extent of infection among our teaching and non-teaching personnel, especially that many teachers have reported of being required to report physically even outside of module distribution days, and despite the lack of adequate safety measures in schools,” ACT Secretary General Raymond Basilio said.

Basilio asserted that it is also the duty of DepEd to be “transparent” on the health situation of its workers during the pandemic, more so, to provide the infected employees with support on testing, quarantine, and treatment.

“Infected DepEd personnel, especially teachers who are not eligible for sick leave benefits, should be granted paid sick leave for the whole duration of their quarantine and treatment,” Basilio said. “DepEd should ensure that they have access to free COVID-19 testing, appropriate quarantine facility, and treatment,” he added.

Meanwhile, ACT also Basilio demanded for DepEd to set-up a medical fund to address the needs of infected personnel - especially with public hospitals quickly reaching their capacities and Philhealth “not fully covering” COVID-19 treatment expenses.

ACT said that DepEd also has to take responsibility - especially for its workers who have been exposed in performance of their duties - as this is due to the department’s “rashness and negligence.”