AFP witnesses historic arrival of Spanish ship in Cebu City

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) welcomed Saturday, March 20, the Spanish Navy training ship Buque Escuela de la Armada Española Juan Sebastián Elcano which docked in Cebu City as part of the commemorative rites of the 500-year commemoration of the world's first circumnavigation.

Photo from CentCom/ MANILA BULLETIN

Lt. Gen. Roberto Ancan, commander of the Cebu-based Central Command (CentCom), spearheaded the military contingent who welcomed the Spanish Navy aboard the training ship and other VIP attendees including Amaya Fuentes-Milani, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Spain; Col. Ricardo Pardo López-Fando, Defense Attache, Embassy of Spain and his spouse, Maria de las Mercedes Merino; David Terrôn González, Chancellor, Consulate General of Spain; Mstr. Alonso Terrón Fuentes; and Antón Perdices, Honorary Consul of Spain in Cebu.

The Spanish Navy ship arrived in the country last March 16 as it traversed Suluan Island in Guiuan, Eastern Samar to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the world’s first circumnavigation -- the Magellan-Elcano expedition.

The expedition was led by Fernando de Magallanes, known as Ferdinand Magellan, who commanded five vessels in quest for the Moluccas or Spice Islands in the western route to the Indies beginning in 1591, according to historians.

Magellan's fleet eventually reached Homonhon Islands in Eastern Samar on March 16, 1521, marking the introduction of Christianity in the Philippines, until he was guided by the rajahs of Limasawa to Cebu.

On April 27, 1521, Magellan was killed by Datu Lapu-Lapu, a chief in Mactan who opposed the conversion to Christianity of his people, in what is now known as the Battle of Mactan.

After Magellan's death, Spanish navigator Juan Sebastián Elcano led the expedition to the Spice Islands and across the Indian Ocean, up to the Atlantic ocean back to Spain, resulting to the world's first circumnavigation.

Five hundred years later, the Buque Escuela de la Armada Española Juan Sebastián Elcano, considered as the third tallest ship in the world measuring 113-meters long and has four masts, returned in the waters of Cebu.

Ancan said that Filipinos should "continue to navigate and pursue our ideals on building bilateral relations, keeping our implicit faith and on strengthening bonds through shared cultures" as the country marks the 500-year Quincentennial Commemoration in the Philippines.

"Aside from the historic circumnavigation and the quincentenary of Christianity, the Philippines is also celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Victory of Mactan this year. Indeed, we are truly blessed for these triple celebration which significantly defines the journey between two countries that strengthen deeper bonds and friendship paved on the battlefield since 1521," he said.

"With both the traditional and new challenges that we are facing, it is with optimism that we manifest our resiliency to commune with God Almighty, as the true source of strength and courage in accomplishing our mission in a sustained joint air, sea and land operations in the Visayas. I warmly welcome everyone to this arrival ceremony of Spanish Navy training ship, Juan Sebastián Elcano," he added.