Duterte to Filipinos: Never again allow any other tribe to compromise our sovereignty

As the nation marked the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Spanish expedition to the Philippines, President Duterte has called on Filipinos to guard against "invaders" who would compromise the country's sovereignty.

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte

Addressing the quincentennial commemorative rites in Easter Samar Thursday, March 18, the President said Filipinos must learn from the country's colonial past and continue the aspirations of their ancestors.

Duterte traveled to Guiuan, Eastern Samar to attend the commemorative ceremony of 500th anniversary of the Philippines' role in the first circumnavigation of the world. The event, that included the unveiling of a historical marker in Guiuan, formally kicked off the 2021 Quincentennial Commemorations in the Philippines.

"While the events that we celebrate would therefore lead to the beginning of colonization, the Filipino people can find relief in the knowledge that we have gone far in our efforts to correct the mistakes of the past. As inheritors of this complicated yet glorious past, the duty now rests on our shoulders to continue the aspirations of our forebears," the President said.

"I therefore call on all our kababayans to appreciate our rich history and learn from the experiences of those that came before us so that we may never again allow any other tribe to compromise our sovereignty --- invaders who would come and who would stay here and contribute to the richness of our culture and of course in the way how we live," he said.

Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, leading a Spanish expedition, reached the Philippines in March 1521 during his circumnavigation of the globe. Lapu-Lapu, native chieftain of Mactan island, fought and killed Magellan during the famous battle of Mactan.

Back in 2019, Duterte refused to join upcoming celebration of the the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Christianity in the country. Duterte, who considered Lapu-Lapu as the country’s first hero for fighting the colonizers, argued that faith was used by Spain to subjugate the Filipino people for three centuries.

In his remarks Thursday, the President admitted his different view about the arrival of the Spanish colonizers five centuries ago but recognized it was a historic event and contributed good to the country.

He said history should make people "reflect on the past and look beyond our future." "We should therefore honor those who have toiled so that we may become a nation we are today – modern, progressive, and ever thriving," he added

He acknowledged that the arrival of the Magellan-Elcano expedition in the Philippines was one of the most important parts of humanity’s first circumnavigation of the globe.

"And though they may somehow --- we may differ in our interpretation, but the fact is that we are here and that contributed something that was good for our country," he said.

"I do not have anything about religion but what was really planted here was the sword and the cross of Christianity. Hindi na bale ‘yan tutal dumaan na ‘yan. That we may remember their kindness and their bravery --- to extol on their bravery to make this hazardous journey that completed the circumvention of the world," he said.

Duterte said the historic expedition marked the Filipinos' first contact with the Spaniards as well as gave an opportunity for the forebears "to show their unity, magnanimity, and sovereignty to our foreign guests."

"In Homonhon, our ancestors exemplified the unique generosity of the Filipino when they helped the Spaniards expedition’s depleted crew upon their arrival," he said.

"A few days later, in the Battle of Mactan, Lapulapu and his warriors – in an exemplary display of firm leadership and extraordinary courage – defeated and drove away the colonials," he added.

As the nation commemorated the historic event, Duterte said he hoped that the historical and socio-civic consciousness of the Filipino, especially among the new generations would be reinvigorated.

"Let us therefore all take part in the 2021 Quincentennial Commemorations slated this year so that we may bring our history, culture, and traditions closer to our hearts," he said. 

Before ending his remarks, the President thanked Spain for its expedition to the country five centuries ago and expressed hope the bilateral relations would still be strengthened.

"We thank everybody, the ancestors of the Spaniards who came here. And we hope that this event goes further --- fortify our relations with the Spaniards," he said.