‘Got questions?’ DepEd answers most common inquiries on 2019 PBB

For the information of its personnel who might still have questions about the 2019 Performance-Based Bonus (PBB), the National Performance Management Team (NPMT) of the Department of Education (DepEd) released a list of references on the most-awaited bonus.


To those asking what is the result of the AO 25 Task Force evaluation of the performance of DepEd for 2019 and what were the indicators the department has met, DepEd noted that it was able to meet “13 out of the 15” indicators or conditions.

The 13 indicators that DepEd has met include the Transparency Seal, PhilGEPS Posting, Streamlining and Process Improvement (SPI) of Agency Services, Posting of Agency Review and Compliance Procedure of Statement and Financial Disclosures, Freedom of Information (FOI) Compliance, Posting of Agency’s System of Ranking Delivery Units, QMS Requirement, Submission of Financial Reports, Compliance with at least 30 percent of Prior Years’ Audit Recommendations, Submission of FY 2019 APP non-CSE, Submission of FY 2020 APP-CSE, Submission of FY 2018 APCPI, and Budget Utilization Rate (BUR).

“The two (2) non-compliant are Posting of Indicative FY 2020 APP Non-CSE and Undertaking of Early Procurement for at least 50 percent of goods and services,” DepEd said.

With DepEd, as an agency, is eligible for 2019 PBB, the teaching and non teaching personnel are also eligible. However, DepEd noted that “selected accountable offices or officers in the non-compliant regions will be isolated.” DepEd explained that the said officials or personnel will be included in the “isolation list and will be ineligible for the grant of PBB 2019” - subject to the approval of the AO 25TF.

After DepEd receives the confirmation of the eligibility from the AO 25 TF, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) will “facilitate the release of the bonuses.” “The School based personnel will be the first one to receive their bonuses,” DepEd said. The Schools Division Office-based personnel who are assigned in the schools comes next, followed by SDOs, Regional Offices (ROS) and Central Office (CO).

“DBM will download the funds to its Regional Offices (ROs), then directly release it to DepEd ROs and SDOs to the respective personnel eligible for the grant of PBB,” For those who are asking how long will the process be for the bonuses to be received by the personnel, DepEd explained that based on previous years’ PBB pay-out, “the processing time depends on the completeness of documents” during the validation period such as ranking, eligibility and isolation list.

It will also depend on the “downloading of funds” from DBM to the ROs, from the ROs to SDOs and from the SDOs to personnel.

As of March 11, DepEd said that it awaits the final advice and letter from the AO 25 TF on the release of the 2019 PBB for the eligible personnel of the agency.