Magalonas remember Francis M on his 12 death anniversary

Though more than a decade has passed, the death of Master Rapper Francis Magalona is still vivid for those he left behind. 

In fact, during his 12th death anniversary, his wife, Pia, and some of their children commemorated his passing by posting remembrances on their respective social media account.

Pia uploaded a throwback family photo of them.

"Here’s a photo of us when we visited EB Magalona town (formerly Saravia), around 1991. Next to Francis are Maxene, Frank and Unna. In my arms is our then-bunso, Saab aka Belly," she wrote as caption.

"That statue is in tribute to Francis’ grandfather, Enrique, the senator and father of the late actor, Pancho Magalona (for whom baby Pancho is named)."

Meanwhile, Saab shared a picture of her with her late dad. 

"What is grief, if not love persevering. Yesterday marked our 12th year without pop but I’m blessed to see him everyday in my children (heart emoji)," she said. 

As for Maxene, she honored "The Man from Manila" with a lengthy post.

"His passion for his artistry was deep. His love for family and friends was unconditional. His zest for life was immeasurable. The way I witnessed him live his life at full throttle is what keeps me going today," she related. 

"Today and everyday, I honor this man. Not only for his limitless talent as an artist but more importantly, for his incredibly kind heart as a human being. He was far from perfect and made a lot of mistakes in his life but I saw with my own eyes how he strived to always do and be better. No matter how many times he tripped and fell, he would always dust himself off and get back up again. He had a lot of flaws and negative traits but was never afraid to show his true self. He was a famous artist but never forgot that he was still human and treated others with respect and equanimity."

She went on how it was through the latter that she saw how even though there are so many faces and so many races, everyone is equal in this kaleidoscope world.

"Everyone is equal in God’s eyes," Maxene reiterated.

"Hope you’re having a blast in heaven, Pop! 12 years later, I can still feel your spirit guiding me. I’m forever proud of the powerful and inspiring energy you contributed to the world. Rest in eternal paradise. You deserve it," she ended her post, along with the hashtag: "#FrancisMForever."

The couple had eight children, two of whom were his stepchildren.

Recall that Francis M has succumbed to multiple organ failure "secondary to severe sepsis and secondary to pneumonia" in 2009 at the age of 44.