DOE requires ‘tighter’ energy efficiency compliance

Through the mandated appointment of energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) practitioners, the Department of Energy (DOE) will be enforcing stricter compliance to the prescriptions of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) Act or Republic Act 11285, primarily across energy-intensive industries and establishments.

Under a newly issued Circular of the department, it was decreed that the appointment of certified energy conservation officers (CECOs) is required for type 1 designated establishments (DEs) with annual energy consumption of 500,000 to 4,000,000 kilowatt hours.

Energy Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi (Source:
Energy Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi (Source:

Additionally, certified energy managers (CEM) must be engaged for type 2 DEs with annual usage of more than 4,000,000 kwhs; or those that are classified as “energy intensive industry sectors,” that will include steel and metal, cement, sugar, electronics, mining and business process outsourcing (BPO) businesses.

The DOE has laid down the guidelines on the certification of ‘energy efficiency and conservation professionals’ that shall be designated in corresponding establishments or industries via DOE’s Department Circular No. DC 2021-01-001, that also sets forth assessment as well as registration of applicants.

According to Energy Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi, the formal certifications of EE&C managers, officers and auditors “would not only professionalize high level energy management learning but would also generate greater employment opportunities for energy practitioners across all sectors.”

The DOE policy further mandated that “individuals, whether working as a freelance energy auditor, or working for an energy service company (for the specified DE classifications) must be a certified energy

auditor (CEA).”

As emphasized by the energy department, it forged a partnership with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), so they can collaboratively establish the training regulations and modules for the energy conservation officers.

The DOE specified that it would provide the schedule “for the approved certification process upon the finalization of the training regulations and course subjects.”

The department further prescribed that “the overall certification process for CEMs will be developed in coordination with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), together with other concerned energy efficiency practitioners.”

The development of training courses for CEAs shall likewise be done in coordination with relevant

stakeholders, including those from the engineering field as well as with training institutions.