House committee approves bill granting MMDA power to pass, enforce ordinances

Through its 27 years in operation to address traffic congestion, flooding, pollution and other threats to public safety and order, the Metro Manila Development Authority, surprisingly, does not have any authority to pass and enforce ordinances that would address the said problems faced by at least 12.87 million residents.


This prompted the House Committee on Metro Manila Development to endorse the immediate passage of a bill seeking to enhance the effectiveness of the MMDA granting it the power to adopt and enforce ordinances for Metro Manila.

Chaired by Manila Rep. Manuel Luis T. Lopez, the House panel approved House Bill 8770 filed by Marikina City Rep. Bayani Fernando.

Fernando, a former MMDA chairman, said he proposed the bill after finding out that despite  MMDA’s mandate, manpower, know-how and budget, the power of the agency “cannot be effectively used in light of the limitation” provided under Republic Act 7924 or the MMDA charter.

“The MMDA is beset by the problem caused by the inadequacy of its power to pass ordinances that is acceptable to the Courts,” said Fernando, who used to be mayor of Marikina City.

"The collective wisdom of the voting members of the Metro Manila Council composed of 17 elected mayors, the presidents of the Vice Mayors League and Councilors League, complemented by representatives from all national government agencies cannot effectively used in light of the limitations of its power as provided for in RA 7924,” he explained.

Under HB  8770, the MMDA is granted the power to “formulate rules and regulations, enact ordinances to address metro-wide problems by augmenting and harmonizing conflicting ;policies between and among the localities” of Metro Manila.

The bill introduces a new section that binds all LGUs within Metropolitan Manila to observe and abide by all ordinances approved and ratified by the Metro Manila Council.

However, prior to approval by MMCs of ordinances, it must conduct public hearings and consult with LGUs and offices affected.

Further, any LGU legislative council or Sangguniang can rejected the approved ordinances.  A disapproved MMC ordinances will archived.

“The passage of this bill is earnestly sought so that we can start the business of solving the traffic crisis in Metro Manila,” said Fernando.