House inquiry sought on grant of Wawa water rights to private firm

The chairman of the House Committee on Metro Manila Development has sought a congressional inquiry into the alleged questionable grant of water rights to a private firm over Wawa river in Rodriguez, Rizal.

Manila Rep. Manuel Luis T. Lopez warned that this could impede the development of Wawa dam as an alternative water source for Metro Manila.

Wawa dam, together with  the Laguna Lake, is among the possible sources of potable water that government will tap in case water shortage hits Metro Manila.

With a private firm reportedly benefitting from the grant of rights over the water supply in Wawa, there is a strong likelihood that Metro Manila will face a  bigger problem sourcing water in the future.

“It can be inferred that San Lorenzo Ruiz Builders and Developers Group Inc. has acquired enough water rights to impede the development of the Wawa Dam as an alternative water source for Metro Manila,” the lawmaker from Tondo said in hearing of the panel Tuesday.

Lopez presided over a congressional briefing conducted by the National Water Resources Board  and the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System on the condition of Metro Manila supply.

He  said  records indicate that the private firm, owned by businessman Oscar Violago, holds at least two water permits in Wawa River alone.

“My colleagues have been asking why Mr. Violago had been controlling water rights as far as Montalban (now Rodriguez, Rizal) area is concerned. This committee, in aid of legislation, will pursue, with the concurrence of all our members, as to why there seems to be a hand operating behind this issue,” the administration lawmaker said.

 Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) Administrator Lt. Gen. Emmanuel Salamat (Ret.) presented MWSS’ position and recommendations to ensure sufficient water supply, which included the recognition of Laguna Lake as a major raw water source and the issuance of water rights for public use only to government entities like them.

The MWSS official said water rights for public use must always be issued to government entities and not to private firms.

“We support the position of the MWSS that the water rights for public use must always be issued to government entities and not to private firms. This way we can prevent private firms from impeding the development of water sources or taking advantage of the Filipino consumers,” said Lopez.

He cited  Article 13 of Presidential Decree No. 1067 or the Water Code that defines water right as the privilege granted by the government to appropriate and use water through a water permit issued by the National Water Resources Board (NWRB). The Code currently allows the use or development of waters even by private firms.

He said the committee will continue to monitor the ongoing and upcoming projects of the government to address Metro Manila’s water shortage.