PUP film guild offers free filmmaking webinar

The Mulat Documentary Guild of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) is offering a free three-day webinar on documentary filmmaking.


With the theme "Reality Check: A Map to Documentary Filmmaking," the event will discuss the introduction to documentary and production management, documentary scripting, and cinematography and editing.

The webinar will be conducted via Zoom and will be live-streamed on its official Facebook page from Feb. 5 to 7, starting from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Interested participants may register through this link: http://bit.ly/36qDKbF.

Mulat Documentary Guild is a college-based organization composed of students from PUP College of Communication.

The organization is committed to producing documentary filmmakers by providing seminars, workshops, and conferences.