Governor reiterates ban on mass gatherings in Iloilo province

ILOILO CITY—Governor Arthur Defensor Jr. is strongly appealing to the public in Iloilo province to avoid public gatherings after almost 600 new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases were recorded this month.

Governor Arthur Defensor Jr. of Iloilo province. (Tara Yap/Manila Bulletin)

Dapat, tumanon ta ina. Indi kita mag ginutok. (We should comply with it),” Defensor emphasized, referring to the need to follow health protocols at all times.

Data from the Iloilo Provincial Health Office (IPHO) showed that COVID-19 cases this January registered higher than those recorded in the last two months of 2020. 

January has not yet ended, but the province has already recorded almost 600 cases in the 42 towns and a component city of Iloilo province. In comparison, there were only 368 cases last December 2020, and 524 cases last November 2020.

Defensor said the spike in the number of COVID-19 cases was not surprising as health officials already projected it due to the holiday season.

For January 2021, Passi City leads the most number of cases with almost 500.  This ballooned last January 27 when the local government of Passi conducted mass testing at its public market. 

From an initial seven vendors who tested positive, it ballooned to almost 200 new cases. This led Mayor Stephen Palmares to issue an order for a two-week lockdown that will last until February 11.

The governor urged Ilonggos not to be complacent in following health protocols as COVID-19 is still a threat.

Defensor reiterated the ban on large gatherings, such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, baptisms, wakes, or funeral processions. Only immediate family members or those in the same household should attend.