Q&A: Candice Ramos

Candice Ramos

Everything's coming up roses for Candice Ramos who won 1st runner-up in Century Tuna Superbods 2020.

Candice signed up for Century Tuna last Jan. 20, 2021. The contract is good for two years which means that the winners will relinquish the titles in 2022.

"Aside from that, I’m going to have a movie with Erik Matti soon and we will be shooting in Baguio in February. So I’m hoping to be able to promote that as well."

Our exclusive interview with Candice:

Manila Bulletin: Congratulations! You almost won the title!

Candice: "Thank you! I didn’t feel like I finished second, actually. For most parts of subjective competitions like beauty pageants and modeling contests, everybody wins, we just get different titles. 90 percent of the competition was virtual, so each candidates’ online presence actually improved. For me, that’s also winning!"

Manila Bulletin: What are the things you sacrificed for the competition?

Candice: "I adjusted my calorie count, did late night runs because we did early morning shoot preparations. We were our own hair and makeup artists, photo/videographers, set directors, researchers, writers, voice over talents, pre and post production person, editor, social media manager, files manager, coordinators. All in one person. For the most parts, just like other competitions, we all just really have to be dedicated to contribute to a beautiful show. Being part of something meaningful will always be a humbling experience. It’s worth the sacrifices."

Manila Bulletin: Share us some of your memorable moments prior to the finals of Superbods.

Candice: "Late night talks with my girls Samantha Purvor and Keylyn Trajano, and getting my entire family living with me now involved with the challenges. I also remember spending time online (too much) researching about three-point video and photography lighting (we were our own production team, remember?), or curiously searching what appears when I Google my name, or checking from time to time whether my passport is expiring by the time the borders are finally open for travel."

Manila Bulletin: It's hard (and expensive) to maintain a healthy and fabulous body.

Candice: "It can be hard when I can’t find enjoyment in the things that I do. As for food, I eat whatever I can afford to put on the table in sensible portions. I invested in training bands, but prior, I just do weight training which doesn’t really require equipments. These are the things which I find cheap, effective, and sustainable. It can be done by any one who wish to create a healthier lifestyle."

Manila Bulletin: What did Superbods contest teach you?

Candice: "Competitions can make or break you. Choose the former. There will always be times when you’d doubt yourself. Do not trust the mind and the emotions because they keep on changing. Just keep on moving forward regardless of how you feel, think. Believe in your big Why. Why are you doing things? That’s really an important question because it will help you motivated when days are harder. Also, embracing the difficulties, the imperfections, the negative emotions can teach us something. Vulnerability wins."

Manila Bulletin: Your advice to those who want to lose weight?

Candice: "Be patient. Success don’t happen overnight. Ask questions. Rely on scientific information. Don’t follow fad diets. Just eat balanced diet, stay active, prioritize rest and stress management, be part of or create a community who can support your fitness journey."

Manila Bulletin: You started in pageants. Is there any part of beauty pageants which should be improved?

Candice: "I feel like age restrictions should be adjusted. Most women are more successful in their early thirties. Perhaps they have more to share to the world!"

Manila Bulletin: Who is the real Candice Ramos?

Candice: "When I really want something, I can be very assertive. I’m ambitious not in material sense. For example, I don’t quite dream of all the wealth in the world. But my being ambitious is more about wanting to do or experience so many things in life in such a short span of time. Sometimes it’s impossible to squeeze in so many things at once. Prioritizing is still a learning process."

Manila Bulletin: Share us your goals or other plans for 2021?

Candice: "It’s crazy how we 'skipped' 2020 and are moving disoriented into 2021. I guess I’d like to address that confusion first more than anything else before we proceed to the rest of the year."

"To understand what we have now and be aware of what to improve so we are more ready when things open.

"Part of the things that I really was passionate to talk about even during the competition was mental fitness. It’s all over my social accounts.

"I hope Filipinos can learn more about mindfulness and meditation so we are more aware of our environment and ourselves, our bodies, our thoughts, how we impact the world we live in.

"The more aware we are, the lesser we easily get manipulated by the media about our current situation, the lesser we get triggered by little things because we become grateful for what we have, the more we can do something about the things we have more control over. Like what nutrition we feed our bodies, what thoughts we put in our heads."