Catch up with Chynna

Chynna Ortaleza (Instagram)

It's been awhile since we've heard from Chynna Ortaleza but quick email and revert proved to be remedy. 

How are you doing as mother in this pandemic?

"Honestly, it’s always challenging and fulfilling to be a mother. Anytime. Any Season. Whether there’s a pandemic or none. The challenge is to be able to maintain a balanced state of self due to the uncertainties that we face. And if you truly reflect about it, we have been dealing with that from the day of conception."

How do you keep your family from getting bored during lockdown?

"I have decided to involve my daughter Stellar in a lot of practical life activities. She is my assistant in household activities like cooking and cleaning. There are so many things to do at home! We try to break the routine sometimes so that we do not feel mechanical. She is also in school so at least in the learning aspect, we have an online class that we attend that provides materials for her! Galing! I learn along with her.

"I also invested in myself through Cherie Gil’s Masterclass. That was the best decision ever. Her wisdom has brought me to a powerful place, a central place in my soul that makes me proud of who I am and what I do as an actor." 

It's been more than three months since your husband Kean Cipriano of Calalilly had a gig due to temporary stoppage of live shows. How is he coping? 

Chynna and husband Kean Cipriano

"Kean misses playing and the feeling he gets onstage. However, not a lot of people know that he does a lot of things apart from performing with Callalily. He is highly adaptable as well. So we continue to prosper O/C Records. The record label has expanded to being a provider for live-streaming and recently, we launched the O/C Artist House. 

"We have also decided to put a lot of effort into realizing our visions for film, purpose, self-love & care for us & for our artists. Our individual careers are also well taken care of and the positive side of content has been greatly realized during the past months.

Do you have upcoming collaborations? 

"Madami! You’ll find out soon. But currently we just launched the O/C Artist House. We are representing Artist Hyphenates, looking after brave, unapologetic beings and their creativity. The first artist we launched is Dora Dorado whom we admire for his courage and his many talents."

If there's good thing the lockdown has brought you, what is it?

"Knowing that everything stems from love. We are happy as a family because of this. We are also fueled to create and use our voices because we love humanity. I continue to hope that after we get through this pandemic, we as a nation won’t turn complacent again."

What do you look forward to returning on TV? 

"I just want to hug my colleagues (as soon as it's allowed). The physicality of being there. The ability to touch with no fear. That’s what I look forward to." 

What's your go-to music these days? 

"I took a liking to a lot of silence. The music of everyday moments that we normally take for granted. I have been tuning in to that daily." 

Have you guys thought of venturing into vlogging? 

"I think vlogging is good. However, I would rather do it at my own pace. I am developing something for some weeks now. But I hope you watch out for Daster Diaries."