Jaro Archbishop: ‘Despite pandemic, Christmas brings hope’

ILOILO CITY – For Christmas, Roman Catholics in Iloilo and Guimaras are told not to lose hope despite the challenges of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Churchgoers of the Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral in Iloilo City after attending one of the Yuletide masses. (Tara Yap/Manila Bulletin)

“When the pandemic broke out, we found ourselves wondering how long will it last.  Many of us began to be afraid. But this Christmas, we are reminded of be bearers of hope amidst the pandemic,” said Archbishop Jose Romeo Lazo.

In his message, the archbishop likened the story of the collective experience in dealing with COVID-19 to the first Christmas story.

“We hear of stories of frontliners such as doctors, nurses and caregivers who dared to give their services to those afflicted.  Some of them lost their lives in the service of others,” Lazo said.

“Others became COVID-19 positive and others died and cremated.  We have thoughts what happens if I will be COVID positive.  Uncertainty, anxiety, despair, and anger has set in,” Lazo said.

The archbishop then recounted the story of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she would conceive Jesus.

“At the onset of the announcement, Mary experienced fear. The angel told her not to be afraid as God is with her.  It is like when you’re COVID-19 positive and fear sets in and you get lost.  But Mary was not lost. She was able to have faith,” Lazo reminded.

The archbishop then continued with his biblical analogy that right after Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary were again on the move as King Herod had order to kill all infants including Jesus.

“It caused anxiety, but they continued to have faith.  The love for their son kept them together in joy and hope.  In this Christmas, love has entered our life and there is salvation even in the new normal,” Lazo added.