Overloaded buses raise concern in Iloilo City

ILOILO CITY—With the holiday rush, Ilonggos have raised concern over fully-loaded buses that clearly violate health protocols against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

JAMPACKED -- A bus is packed with people rushing to go home to their families for Christmas.  (Daryl Lasafin)

“What surprised me most was nobody seemed to mind,” observed Daryl Lasafin, a former editor of a local newspaper.

Lasafin, who rode a bus Wednesday night in Iloilo City going back to his hometown in Iloilo province, shared his observation along with a photo that shows an apparent lack of physical distancing. 

The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) had earlier followed the mandate of the national government’s task force to enforce physical distancing in public transportation.  In the case of buses, there is supposed to be a one-seat apart rule.

“But all seats and the aisle are filled,” Lasafin observed.

This comes at a time when health experts and officials are warning of a spike in COVID-19 cases.

The Public Safety and Transportation Management Office of the Iloilo City government has called on the LTFRB and the bus company to strictly enforce the physical distancing rules.

“This is not under my jurisdiction, but the LTFRB and the bus company have to address this,” PTSMO Chief Jeck Conlu told the Manila Bulletin on Thursday, December 24.

“This is very alarming and we do not know who may be a carrier of COVID-19,” Conlu added.

People have begun to travel from Iloilo City, the regional capital of Western Visayas, to other towns of Iloilo province and to other provinces of Panay Island to join their respective families for the holidays.