Honeywell introduces technology to ensure buildings are ‘return-ready’

As the country eases up community quarantine restrictions and asks business establishments to prepare for the “new normal”, one may have to ask: “is your building return-ready?”

Honeywell reaffirms its commitment to supporting the ASEAN region to weather the pandemic by delivering new solutions, products, and services that enable critical industries and sectors to continue their operations and help protect the health and safety of their employees.

During an online media roundtable, Honeywell ASEAN President Norm L. Gilsdorf discussed their on-going support to businesses by capitalizing on new strategic solutions in helping customers navigate their business challenges and enabling them to meet their respective needs.

“ASEAN is an important market to Honeywell, and we are committed to help industry players to navigate through this unprecedented crisis. Armed with consumer insights that certain technology will be key to address the immediate needs to support a safer return to work, travel, and life, Honeywell has pivoted to provide technologies needed by the markets,” said Gilsdorf.

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<p>Helping facility owners, not just in the ASEAN region but worldwide, Honeywell leverage building controls, sensors, secure access, and analytics calculate and manage their Health Building Score to ensure businesses take steps based on real-time data to reassure employees and customers.</p>
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<p>Health Building Solutions is an integrated set of tools helping building owners improve the health of their building environments, operate more cleanly and safely, comply with social distancing policies, and help reassure occupants and workers that it is safer to return to the workplace.</p>
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<p>Honeywell recommends the following steps be taken by building owners to help increase the level of return-to-the-workplace confidence of their employees and tenants:</p>
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  1. Prepare – validate your building to be ready to return to work and meet the latest standards and your own policies.
  2. Monitor – control your building hygiene, occupant safety, and space usage in real-time.
  3. Reduce – further sources of airborne infection through enhanced standards for facilities and cleaning staff, and enforced social distancing measures.
  4. Respond – rapidly to alerts and trends in building air quality and social tracing or space sanitation incidents.
  5. Reassure – improve building occupants’ confidence, minimize risk and liability, and return sustainability to full productivity.

By integrating air quality, safety, and security technologies along with advanced analytics. The Fortune 100 technology company’s Health Building Solutions are designed to help building owners minimize potential risks of contamination and improve business continuity by monitoring both the building environment and building occupants’ behaviors.