Be of service to others, youths urged

Catholic bishops urged young people to be of service to others and remain hopeful despite the challenges brought by the pandemic.

“Young people, face the new normal with openness and the readiness of a servant. We are servants of the Lord. Discover new paths, avenues, ways of serving others,” said the Episcopal Commission on Youth (ECY) of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines.

“The social media, the digital space, even the current crisis are opportunities for new ways and means of bringing the good news to others. This is the call for new evangelization,” they said.

They also reminded the young people that “there are signs of hope” and seek guidance from the Lord.

“In silence and prayer, you will recover your inner-directedness and peace. By nurturing interior silence, you shall hear God’s voice in your conscience. Your conscience is your moral and spiritual compass, which helps you navigate through the many dilemmas, confusing situations, and difficult choices you encounter,” the prelates said.

“Resist falling into the cycle of blame, hate, and despair. With Jesus, you can rise from your failures and defeat; you can recover from your sense of loss. Jesus saves you. Arise!” they added.

The prelates called on the youth to “contribute to uplifting the lives of others and the transformation of our communities and let us begin by transforming our own lives.”

“Young people, arise from sleep, laziness, boredom, and indifference. Be creative! Arise from anxiety, fear, and failure! Get involved! There is something you can do. Arise from despair and helplessness,” they said.

“Problems, difficulties and crises are opportunities. Arise! Strengthened by the Lord’s grace, take a bold step! Bring to fulfillment your good intentions and important resolutions!” they added.