FASHION PULIS: Fruitful visits

The good news came as a shock to the team involved in the project. Word got out that their project would come to life despite limitations resulting from the pandemic. The bad news was that major changes were to be done in the script, but the team was ready for anything as long as work was coming. However, Hardworking Insider (HI) instructed the team not to ask questions concerning the changes. They needed to work on the new requirements for the project.

According to the grapevine, Top Influencer (TI) found out that a Controversial Actress (CA) involved in the project was disappointed as the production was stopped due to the pandemic. CA became depressed as the times were uncertain, and even the big names had no projects to speak of. CA tried other options, but failed. CA then approached TI and she started to visit him regularly so she can get back in the groove.

After sometime, TI made calls to Hardworking Insider (HI), who then promised to take care of CA. HI already knew that requests coming from TI should be acted upon and questions should no longer be asked, especially if a person is involved.

‘Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.’ ― Benjamin Franklin

New Discovery

The work time for the next day was early, so Industry Talent (IT) decided to sleep. That was a wrong decision. Unpredictable Partner (UP) arrived home and was unable to see IT. UP came from his commitments and was stressed. When he realized she was not waiting for him, he woke her up.

Roused from her sleep, IT tried her best to be attentive to UP’s litany. UP started to give her a piece of his mind and stressed that she should have waited for him to ask if he had eaten already. IT let UP say what he wanted to and did not bother to answer back. UP later asked IT to go to bed and she just stayed next to him. She could no longer sleep.

Come morning, IT rushed to work. A Production Colleague (PC) noticed the swollen eyes of IT. PC instinctively knew something happened and took IT to a room. IT did not want to relay her story, but her keeping of her feelings bottled up might affect the rest of the day. PC wanted to know if UP hit her, IT said he did not but he screamed at her.

When IT went home, she was surprised with a cozy dinner prepared by UP and he even had flowers all over the house. This time, UP was apologetic and knelt down to explain his behavior.

As all is better again, rumors have it that UP has sought professional help to prevent any similar incidents from happening again.

‘Repeated patterns become facts, and when you're in touch with the facts you can predict the future.’ ― Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel

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