Secretary Dar pays tribute to Zac Sarian, agriculture journalist

Agriculture Secretary William D. Dar paid tribute to former Manila Bulletin agriculture section editor Zac Sarian, who he said “may have written his final ‘30’ today but his stories, columns, and books will continue to live on.”

Mr. Zac Sarian

Sarian passed away today, Dec. 7.

The Agriculture Secretary, in a statement, said:

“The passing away of Zac Sarian leaves a huge void in the Philippine agriculture scene. Mang Zac has devoted almost his entire professional career to write and talk about the potential of agribusiness, long before “agribusiness” became a buzzword, more particularly now that food security has become a major concern. 

“Since starting out as an agriculture columnist in the 1960s to founding a popular agriculture magazine in the 1970s to 1980s, and finally working as agriculture editor for the Manila Bulletin, Mang Zac has always been at the forefront of agricultural journalism, not only in the Philippines but in Asia. 

“Proof of this is the Ramon Magsaysay Award conferred to him in 1974 for developmental journalism. In the Philippines, he is widely known as the “Dean of Philippine Agricultural Journalism.”

“Zac Sarian may have written his final ‘30’ today but his stories, columns, and books will continue to live on,” Sec. Dar said.