Fairness on jailed activist assured

The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) stressed Thursday that fairness will be standard as it deals with the case of jailed activist Reina Mae Nasino.

Detained activist Reina Mae Nasino
(Photo by Jansen Romero / MANILA BULLETIN)

BJMP spokesperson Chief Insp. Xavier Solda said the agency would have to look at all angles surrounding Nasino's furlough to ensure that all things work out properly as the agency puts prime importance to the welfare of the PDLs.

“We will look at the nature of the incident and the circumstances surrounding PDL (persons deprived of liberty) Nasino's furlough,’’ Solda said.

Solda assured the public that the “BJMP is putting all efforts to protect the PDL under its care, especially in this time of the pandemic, following the standard health and security protocols.’’

Judge Paulino Gallegos of the Manila Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 47 issued an order granting the motion of Nasino that allowed her furlough to visit the wake and burial of her baby from Oct. 14 to 16.

But on Wednesday, Gallegos issued another order which cut the hours of her temporary liberty after the BJMP appealed that its Manila City Jail Female Dormitory has only 12 personnel.

Nasino’s counsel Edre Olalia doubted the BJMP’s claim of its limited personnel claim.

Olalia noted that the National Union of People’s Lawyers (NUPL) which he heads revealed that 47 jail personnel and police officers escorted Nasino from the Manila City Jail going to the La Funeraria Rey last Thursday.

Nasino’s lawyers are planning to file charges against the BJMP.