Bontoc suspends entry of LSIs

BAGUIO CITY – The municipal government of Bontoc, Mountain Province temporarily suspends the entry of Locally Stranded Individuals (LSIs) coming from the National Capital Region (NCR) and other areas into two of its barangays.

In an executive order mandating a moratorium on the entry of LSIs into the town, Bontoc Mayor Franklin Odsey stated that health personnel of the Municipal Health Office and Barangay health workers of Barangays Bayyo and Talubin were being outnumbered by the influx of LSIs ever since Mountain Province was placed under modified general community quarantine (MGCQ).

 The mayor, who is also the chair of the Municipal Inter-Agency Task Force (MIATF), added that their health personnel were already hard up in conducting health monitoring.

Odsey also bared that there was a limited number of quarantine facilities identified by the barangay local government units (LGUs) of Bayyo and Talubin. He that they could not accommodate the large number of LSIs, who should be first brought to these facilities, especially those coming from  the areas with there is high incidence of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Bontoc town has six confirmed cases with Barangays Bayyo and Talubin having one patient each. Mountain Province, as a whole, has 16 positive cases with 12 recoveries and zero death.

Meanwhile, Odsey is reminding LSIs and Bontoc residents who are working outside Mountain Province to coordinate with the Bontoc MIATF three days before their intended arrival. This is for the MIATF to inspect and validate identified quarantine facilities where LSIs and returning Bontoc residents should undergo the mandatory 14-day quarantine.

This was after there were reports received by the MIATF that there were entries of LSIs and I-fontoks (Bontoc residents) without prior coordination with the Bontoc LGU.