Palace sets aside P7 B to boost rice buffer stocks and help local farmers

At least P7 billion will be set aside by the government to purchase rice to boost the country's buffer stocks in 2021, President Duterte said in his recent budget message to Congress.


The President said the budget allocation will go to the National Food Authority (NFA) "to ensure the stable rice supply even during emergencies and disasters."

"The National Food Authority will be provided with PhP7.0 billion to procure 368,421 metric tons of palay through the Buffer Stocking Program to be used in times of calamities, fortuitous events or shortfall in production sourced solely from local farmers," the President said in his budget message to Congress.  

The rice procurement program is part of the government's proposed P142.5 billion allocation for agriculture and agrarian reform for 2021.

Of this amount, Duterte said P66.4 billion will go to the Department of Agriculture to accelerate agricultural production of farmers and fishermen. The recipient programs include P15.7 billion for rice, P3.5 billion for fisheries, P1.5 billion for corn, P1.6 billion for high value crops, P1.2 billion for livestock and P520 million for organic agriculture.

Also, the President said the government has proposed P10.3 billion for the construction, repair and rehabilitation of farm-to-market roads across the country. 

Around P2.3 billion will be used to build post-harvest facilities and other agricultural facilities.  The Philippine Fisheries Development Authority will receive P5.2 billion to build, rehabilitate and improve fish ports.

Duterte said the National Irrigation Authority will get P31.5 billion to improve and develop the country's irrigation systems next year.

In line with the rice tariffication law, Duterte said they have earmarked P10 billion for the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Program in 2021. An additional P2.1 billion will be allocated for the corp diversification program, and expanded crop insurance program on rice.

"The government will continue to help our farmers improve their competitiveness and productivity by providing them with machineries and equipment, high-yielding seeds and credit assistance, among others," Duterte said.