UST athletic director Fr. Abogado resigns amid training bubble controversy

Fr. Jannel Abogado OP, left, and Fr Ermito De Sagon OP, right. (Screengrab from UST website)

Fr Jannel Abogado OP has resigned from his post as athletic director of the University of Santo Tomas in light of the controversy involving its men’s basketball team.

Sources confirmed this development Wednesday morning hours before the Joint Administrative Order Group and UAAP officials convene to tackle the reported unauthorized training bubble held by the Growling Tigers in Sorsogon City.

Abogado, who has been UST-Institute of Physical Education and Athletics (IPEA) director since 2017, filed his resignation on Tuesday and was accepted by the school administration.

Fr Ermito De Sagon, Abogado’s predecessor, is reportedly set to take over the reins although the school has yet to make it official.

UST is in hot water after video footage of its men’s basketball team practicing -- a breach of health protocols in this time of pandemic -- surfaced online last week.

READ: UST in hot water as CJ Cansino bares alleged group chat discussing Sorsogon ‘bubble’ life

The school has formed a fact-finding committee to investigate the matter and report it to the UAAP, which in turn will forward this to the JAO Group in this afternoon’s meeting.

READ: UST vows appropriate action, further probe on men’s basketball team training bubble

The Games and Amusements Board, Philippine Sports Commission and Department of Health comprise the JAO Group, which has allowed only professional basketball and football and the Chooks-to-Go 3-x-3 pro league to resume team practice.

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