Meranie Gadiana Rahman to push for postpartum depression awareness in Mrs. World 2021 pageant

Pageantry is lovelier the second time around for Mrs. Philippines World 2019-2020 Meranie Gadiana Rahman.

Mrs. Philippines World 2019-2020 Meranie Gadiana Rahman

Last year, Rahman represented Guam when she competed at the Mrs. World beauty pageant in Paris, France. This year, she will carry the Philippine sash at the Mrs. World 2021 beauty contest which will be held in Sri Lanka in November. She's ready to conquer the world once again. So how is she preparing for the international competition?

"I am mainly concentrating on keeping my body, mind and soul in the best of health. Due to COVID-19, we are mostly staying at home. Therefore, I have created many at home exercise programs with my three-year-old son Jaleel. This way we both continue to bond and get our needed exercise at the same time. I am also doing online blogs, TV and News to promote my advocacy of Postpartum depression awareness. There are many other aspects of Mrs. World pageants such as pre-pageant interviews, national costume, swimsuit, evening gown and catwalk and other areas for which I have been preparing. If I go out for work, photoshoot or groceries, I make sure that I observe strict social distancing and wear a mask. I do not go to any gathering, event or parties at all. This is so important to keep everyone safe from COVID-19," said Rahman during an online chat recently.

For her advocacy in the competition, Rahman said she will promote Postpartum Depression awareness.

"Since I am a survivor of postpartum depression, I know how serious and lethal this kind of depression can be which has actually taken the lives of thousands and probably millions of women all over the world and lesser number of men as well. Coming out of postpartum depression has changed my life by giving me another life. At the same time, it has empowered me to save many lives that I have been able to touch and educate them that there is a hope, and there is a treatment.

"Look at me. I am a living example. I have done this a lot in the Philippines because I have a voice here as reigning Mrs. Philippines World. I wish I could have a voice all over the world and save many lives," Rahman explained.

This Filipino beauty queen-philanthropist said that she would also appeal to the Philippine government to make postpartum depression awareness a national campaign.

"I want to make an appeal to the Philippine government to make postpartum depression awareness a national campaign again and again to take the world leadership role as the first one to do it. In addition, Mrs Philippines World not only represents the Philippines but also Filipino community all over the world. Beautiful and brilliant Filipino ladies, many in leadership positions, will compete at Mrs Philippines World from all over the world," she said.

The beauty queen said that her husband, Dr. Inam Rahman, is the new National Director for Mrs. Philippines World who is also very passionate about postpartum depression awareness. He has named Postpartum Depression Awareness as national pageant's official advocacy so that the contestants can spread the message to the Filipino community from all over the world and save millions of lives from unnecessary death.

Despite the uncertainty brought about by the pandemic, Rahman believes a beauty pageant like Mrs World is still relevant.

"First of all beauty pageants are not only about beauty, they are about advocacy of values and causes and empowering others. We can make the beauty pageant relevant by making sure all the attendants, including pageant contestants, observe social distance and wear masks in the back stage and carry the mask on stage to show its importance to the world. All the judges should be wearing masks and should be at least 6 to 10 feet away from the stage. The virtual pageant is another option. Of course my best hope is that either definite antiviral treatment or a safe vaccine will be available soon," Rahman added.

Born and raised in Cagayan de Oro City, Rahman has been staying in Hawaii for many years now. She is also a print model. Recently, Rahman was one of the awardees for Gawad America in North Hollywood for "Most influential Woman of the Year”.