World reacts to 'historic' Israel-UAE deal

Israel and the UAE agreed to normalise relations, a historic shift making the Gulf state only the third Arab country to establish full diplomatic ties with the Jewish state.

Palestinian protesters burn images of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, and US President Donald Trump, in the West Bank town of Nablus denouncing the UAE-Israel deal as a betrayal (AFP/ MANILA BULLETIN)

Here is how the world has reacted to Thursday's announcement:

- United States -

"HUGE breakthrough today! Historic Peace Agreement between our two GREAT friends, Israel and the United Arab Emirates!" US President Donald Trump said on Twitter.

"Everybody said this would be impossible ... After 49 years Israel and the United Arab Emirates will fully normalise their diplomatic relations," Trump later told reporters.

Democratic White House candidate Joe Biden called the UAE's move "a welcome, brave, and badly-needed act of statesmanship".

- Palestinians -

The Palestinian leadership voiced its "strong rejection and condemnation" of the deal and announced it would withdraw its envoy from the UAE.

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas called the agreement an "aggression" against the Palestinian people and a "betrayal" of their cause, including their claim to Jerusalem as capital of their future state. 

Hazem Qasem, spokesman for Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, said the deal "does not serve the Palestinian cause", calling it "a reward for the Israeli occupation and crimes".

- Jordan -

Jordan, which borders the West Bank and Israel, said the outcome of the agreement would depend on Israel's actions, including its stance on a two-state solution with the Palestinians. 

Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safadi said: "The impact of the deal on peace efforts is linked to the actions Israel will take".

- Egypt -

"I appreciate the efforts of the architects of this agreement for the prosperity and stability of our region," Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi tweeted.

He added he hoped the deal to halt Israel's annexation of Palestinian land, would help bring "peace" to the Middle East.

- Iran -

Israel's arch-enemy Iran condemned the deal, saying the Palestinian people would "never forgive the normalising of relations with the criminal Israeli occupation regime and the complicity in its crimes."

The move was an act of "strategic stupidity from Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv which will undoubtedly strengthen the resistance axis in the region," the foreign ministry said.

- Hezbollah -

Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah movement, said: "The timing confirms how some Arab regimes are servants of the American administration... What the UAE did was a personal electoral favour for President Trump."

- Turkey -

Ankara denounced an act of treachery.

"While betraying the Palestinian cause to serve its narrow interests, the UAE is trying to present this as a kind of act of self-sacrifice for Palestine," the foreign ministry said.

"History and the conscience of the people living in the region will not forget and never forgive this hypocritical behaviour."

- Yemen rebels -

Yemen's Iran-allied Huthi rebels slammed the deal as "a move that provokes the Arab and Islamic nation... and proves that these countries, including the Emirates which is launching an assault against Yemen, serve the Israeli entity," their spokesman Mohammed Abdelsalam said.

- France -

France welcomed the deal, stressing the suspension of Israel's plans to annex swathes of the occupied West Bank.

"The decision... by the Israeli authorities to suspend the annexation of Palestinian territories is a positive step, which must become a definitive measure," French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said.

President Emmanuel Macron tweeted: "I hail the courageous decision by the United Arab Emirates and its desire to contribute the establishment of a just and lasting peace between the Israelis and Palestinians."

- China -

"China is happy to see measures that are helping to ease tensions between countries in the Middle East and promoting regional peace and stability," said foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian.

"We hope relevant parties will take concrete actions to bring the Palestinian issue back to the track of dialogue and negotiation on an equal footing at an early date," Zhao said, reiterating Beijing's support for an independent Palestinian state.

- European Union -

EU foreign policy spokeswoman Nabila Massrali told reporters: The normalisation is "important both for them (Israel and the UAE) and for regional stability...

"As the EU... we are committed to a two-state solution. And we are, of course, ready to work on the resumption of the negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians."

- Germany -

Germany welcomed the "historic" deal, with Foreign Minister Heiko Maas saying normalisation of ties between the two countries was "an important contribution to peace in the region."

- United Nations -

UN chief Antonio Guterres said he hoped the deal would help realise a two-state solution. 

"The secretary general (hopes) it will create an opportunity for Israeli and Palestinian leaders to re-engage in meaningful negotiations that will realise a two-state solution in line with relevant UN resolutions, international law and bilateral agreements," his spokesman said.