The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) on Thursday sought the help of local government officials in explaining to workers and companies operating under their jurisdictions the importance of following the health and safety protocols against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

"I hope that our mayors can help us explain to the employees and businessmen on the importance of following the protocol," Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III said during the visit of the National Task Force Against COVID-19 in Cavite.
"The health protocol created is very nice because it can really provide protection to our workers, especially here in Cavite, where there are many businesses considering the presence of the ecozones," he added.
Bello was referring to the health protocols in the interim guidelines on workplace prevention and control of the COVID-19 that they jointly issued with the Department of Trade and Industry that was released on May 1.
Among the responsibilities of employers in the said guidelines are: Provide the necessary company policies for the prevention and control of COVID-I9 in consultation with workers; provide resources and materials needed to keep the workers healthy and the workplace safe such as masks, etc.; designate the safety officer to monitor COVID-19 prevention and control measures; enhance health insurance provision for workers; where feasible, provide shuttle services and or decent accommodation on near-site location to lessen travel and people movement; enjoin the hiring from the local community; and put up a COVID-19 Hotline and Call Center for employees to report if symptomatic, and daily monitoring scheme of "suspect" employee condition.
On Wednesday, Bello said employees will also be required to wear face shields in the workplace starting Aug. 15.