Churchill never suffered any scandal

Many of us know Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill as a British politician and statesman who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK) from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955.  Churchill also received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953.  Churchill is best known for being at the helm of the United Kingdom during World War II.

There are many interesting information about Churchill who was a prolific writer and orator.  Let me share with you some information about Churchill that many of us do not know. (Reference: Internet reports and various books)

  • Do you know that Winston Churchill led the life that many men would love to live. He survived 50 gunfights and drank 20,000 bottles of champagne;
  • Do you know that by resisting Hitler, Churchill saved Europe and perhaps the world;
  • Do you know that Churchill was a man who never suffered any scandal.  He loved his wife (who was very efficient in managing his finances).  Churchill called his wife his “Darling Clementine.”
  • Do you know that despite the large sum of money earned from his prolific writing, Churchill was “hopelessly” in debt.  His saving grace was his wife Clementine who managed his estate competently and efficiently;
  • Do you know that Churchill’s command of the English language was outstanding – matched only by his great oratory;
  • Do you know that Churchill was a man who suffered much political defeat in his life but he was able to bounce back every time;
  • Do you know that a communist leader spoke highly of Churchill.  Tito, a communist leader said of Churchill: “He is a great man. He is, of course, our enemy and has always been the enemy of Communism, but he is an enemy one must respect, an enemy one likes to have.”
  • Do you know that Churchill during his lifetime uttered so many witty quotes including the following:  
  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts”  
  • When Lady Nancy Astor said: “If I were your wife I'd put poison in your coffee.
    Churchill replied: “If I were your husband I'd drink it.”
  • Do you know that when Adolf Hitler sought to placate Austrian minister Kurt von Schuschnigg by complimenting and praising him publicly, a disgusted Winston Churchill muttered, “When a snake wants to eat his victims he first covers them with saliva.”

Finally, I want to end with a popular story about Churchill:

“Sir Winston Churchill took three years getting through the eighth grade because he had trouble learning English.  It is somewhat ironic that years later, Oxford University asked him to speak at its commencement exercises!  He arrived for the event with his usual props – a cigar, a cane, and a top hat.  As he approached the podium, the crowd rose in appreciative applause.

“With great dignity, Churchill settled the crowd as he stood confidently before his admirers.

“He then removed his cigar from his teeth and carefully placed his top hat on the lectern.  Looking directly at the eager audience, with authority ringing in his voice, he cried, “Never give up!”  Several hushed seconds passed.  He rose to his toes and shouted again, “Never give up!”

“His words thundered across the audience.  A profound silence enveloped the crowd as Churchill reached for his hat and cigar, steadied himself with his cane, and descended the platform.  His oration was finished.

“Churchill’s six-word commencement speech was no doubt the shortest and most eloquent address ever given at Oxford.  His message was one every person present remembered for the rest of their lives.

“No matter what obstacles you face in life, always remember Churchill’s admonition: “Never give up!””

Have a joyful day!

(For comments/reactions please send to Ms.Villafuerte’s email: [email protected]).