Two broadcasting companies had their franchises renewed for 25 years based on the new laws signed by President Duterte.

Republic Act No. 11481 allows First United Broadcasting Corp. (FUBC), now known as Global Satellite Technology Services Inc., to continue its operations for another 25 years. The franchise of Broadcast Enterprises and Affiliated Media Inc. has also been extended under Republic Act No. 11482.
The two laws were signed by the President last July 30. These franchise laws take effect 15 days after publication in the Official Gazette or a newspaper.
Under RA 11481, Global Satellite is allowed "to construct install, operate, and maintain for commercial purposes radio and television broadcasting stations anywhere in the country" under its 25-year franchise renewal.
The law also included the provision on the grantee’s responsibility to the public, including providing free of charge adequate public service time and allow important government announcements and warnings.
It must also provide at all times sound and balanced programming, promote public participation, assist in public information and education, conform to ethics of honest enterprise, promote audience sensibility and empowerment, and not to use stations for broadcasting absence or indecent language or scene and dissemination of false information to the detriment of the public, or to incite or assist subversive or treasonable acts.
The law also included provisions on self-regulation, warranty in favor of the national and local governments, and commitment to provide employment opportunities.
RA 11482, on the other hand, extended the franchise of Broadcast Enterprises and Affiliated Media Inc. "to construct, install, operate, and maintain for commercial purposes and in the public interest, radio and television broadcasting stations in the country." It may also operate cable and digital television systems, pay service, as well as use new broadcast technology in their stations.
The franchise law also contained similar provisions on responsibility to the public, among others. They are also governed by permits secured from the National Telecommunications Commission for construction and operation of their facilities.
The two laws included the special right of the President in times of war, rebellion, public peril, calamity, emergency, or disturbance of peace and order to temporarily take over and operate the stations; suspend operations in the interest of public safety and security; or authorize the temporary use and operation upon due compensation to the grantee.
The two franchise laws are deemed revoked in the event the grantees fail to operate continuously for two years.