LOOK: Sara Duterte gives birth to baby boy

Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Thursday, as posted on Instagram by his husband Atty. Mans Carpio and his brother, Vice Mayor Paolo Duterte.

Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte gives birth to ‘Stonefish’ / via Argyll Cruz Twitter / Manila Bulletin Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte gives birth to ‘Stonefish’ / via Argyll Cruz Twitter / Manila Bulletin

Their third child ‘Stonefish’ was born via cesarean section at 12:56 P.M. He weighs 5.3 lbs. Mr. Carpio also thanked the Lord for the gift of life.

The couple also have a daughter named ‘Sharky’ and an older son named ‘Stingray.’ It was on August of last year when Sara announced that she was having a difficult pregnancy.