German prosecutors appeal verdict in neo-Nazi trial

By the Associated Press

BERLIN — German prosecutors are appealing the verdict against a neo-Nazi whose 2 ½-year sentence for supporting a terrorist organization prompted anger last week.

Demonstrators hold signs with people killed by the NSU outside the court in Munich, southern Germany, prior to the verdict Wednesday, July 11, 2018. (AP/ MANILA BULLETIN) Demonstrators hold signs with people killed by the NSU outside the court in Munich, southern Germany, prior to the verdict Wednesday, July 11, 2018. (AP/ MANILA BULLETIN)

Spokeswoman Frauke Koehler said Tuesday that federal prosecutors are only appealing the verdict against Andre Eminger, not that of his four co-defendants.

Koehler said details of the appeal would follow once the court issues a written explanation for last Wednesday's verdicts in the high-profile trial centering on the National Socialist Underground group that targeted immigrants.

Lawyers for the group's only surviving member, Beate Zschaepe, are also appealing her life sentence for 10 killings , two bombings and more than a dozen robberies.

Families of the victims expressed anger that Eminger, who for years provided the group with identity documents and vehicles, wasn't convicted as an accessory to murder.