Pasay police officer relieved over tenant eviction incident gone viral on social media


By Dhel Nazario

The Pasay City Police has relieved the police officer in a video that went viral on Facebook where he was seen having an argument with a tenant and his family who claimed they were evicted during the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) in April.

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According to the uploader of the video, the incident happened on April 12. Persons showen in the video were said to be evicted by their police officer-landlord in Barangay 145.

Mayor Imelda Calixto-Rubiano has immediately directed the Pasay Police to look into the video-recorded incident.

“I immediately called Pasay Police chief, Col. Ericson Dilag, and directed him to investigate this matter, and undertake necessary measures on the involved policeman if the evidence and facts would merit it,” the mayor said.

The evicted tenants reportedly left and walked all the way to Antipolo only with a few clothes and they planned on getting the rest of their belongings once transportation was available. The video was uploaded only recently when they returned to retrieve their belongings.

The uploader added that when they returned, they were told by their neighbor that some of their belongings were thrown away by their landlord and that they can only get the remaining belongings when they settle their two-month unpaid rent.

The video started where the police officer was seen having an argument with one of the tenants asking "What are you complaining about?" before pulling out his gun as cries were heard in the video. He was later pacified by persons said to be his cousins.

The cop said in the video claimed that the tenants were disrespecting his son.

“Our policemen are among the frontliners that we regard in high esteem. It is very disturbing when one of them gets involved in a controversial incident, especially when he or she causes the eviction of a tenant family in the midst of the ECQ, and allegedly in a high-handed manner at that,” said Mayor Calixto.

She said, “Our policemen should not only be in the front lines of ensuring peace and order especially in these trying times, but they must also be examples of caring and compassion toward those who are severely affected by this pandemic and who need the help of government officials and authorities the most.”

Col. Dilag said the policeman in the video is assigned at Sub-Station 5 in Baclaran.

The policeman was immediately relieved from his post while investigation is underway, according to Col. Dilag.