Baptized  but not evangelized?



Fr. Bel R. San Luis, SVD Fr. Bel R. San Luis, SVD

There was once a woman who brought her child to church for baptism. "What's the baby's name?" asked the parish priest.    "Toyota," said the mother. Taken aback the priest said, "Why that name?" "Kasi po Father," she replied, "iyong panganay ko ay nagngangalang 'Ford,' yong ikalawa naman ay 'Mercedes' at yong pinakamaliit ay 'Beetle.'"

"A ganoon ba? Bueno, ano ang gusto mong ibibinyag ko sa kanya -- diesel o gasolina?"

That funny story might well help to focus our attention on the feast of Christ's baptism today and the secularized way parents name their children nowadays.

When  the Lord waded into the river Jordan and was  baptized by  John,  the sacrament of baptism was inaugurated.  Before ascending to heaven, Jesus made baptism a mandate, saying, “Go...make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” (Mt 28,15).

It  is to the immense credit of Christian  parents  that they  take  to  heart the baptism of their  children.

It  seems, however,  that  many baptized children grow up  grossly  ignorant  of religious  instructions and their obligations as  Christians.

For instance, there are  Catholics who come to church three times only in their whole lifetime--when baptized, married, and buried or, as someone put it, when “hatched, matched, dispatched” (to the cemetery or columbarium).

The  theologian Bernard Cooke in his book,  Christian  Sacraments  and  Christian Personality, writes: "Our baptism is  not  an action which happens once and has no further significance for our life. Rather, all the significance of this sacrament passes dynamically into the daily living of the Christian."

In  other words,  it  is not enough for us just  to  accept  baptism passively or as  something  done to us. There must be a follow-up. Our baptism should become an operative power impelling us to act as Christ did.

The absence of this "operative power" of baptism engenders a piety that's split between faith and practice in day-to-day life.

In  her  booklet “Filipino Values and  National  Development: Readings  on  the Moral Recovery Program,”  the late former Sen.  Leticia  Shahani bewailed: "There is no unit in government which  has not been directly touched with corruption or indirectly  affected by it.

"Throughout  history,  the BIR, the Bureau of  Customs,  the Commission on Immigration and Deportation, the regulatory  commissions,  the law enforcement offices have been the natural  magnet for  people who want to enrich themselves through the quick  way."

There  are  many reasons behind the social  malady  but  one reason is that our Christian faith and morals have  not  really permeated  and influenced the various spheres of  socio-economic and political life.

Once I was trying to settle a quarrel between two feuding relatives. "Let's forgive one another," I appealed. "Christ told us to forgive."

The lady shot back with a reply that almost floored me: "Father, puede ba, huwag natin isali ang Diyos sa usapan na ito!" (Father, please, let's not include God in this talk!).

It’s not  enough to be baptized.  Baptismal faith should mature. To  be  authentic and effective, it should influence our day-to-day life, relationships, and transactions.

WRONG USE OF BAPTISM. Some years ago in the USA, the news media reported that a father had his one-year-old son baptized 26 times in three years.

When he was asked by a reporter why he had done this, the father answered, "Very simple. Each new godfather was good for at least one loan."

That's a grossly wrong use of religion for material advantage. In the Philippines, it's more of having many godparents to serve as political or social connections.

APPEAL FOR SEMINARIANS. We Filipinos are very blest because there are still a good number of young men who wish to become priests and missionaries. But some cannot pursue their priestly aspiration due to financial constraint.

May I appeal to our readers to chip in or sponsor our seminarians' schooling for one year.

For inquiry, e-mail me at: [email protected].