Controversy hounds choice for new UP business school dean

By Merlina Hernando-Malipot 

Controversy is hounding the search for the next dean of the Cesar A. Virata School of Business (VSB) of the University of the Philippines (UP) following alleged “irregularities” which prompted UP Diliman Chancellor Michael Tan to express his “deepest concerns” in the selection process.

UP Diliman Chancellor Michael Tan (University of the Philippines / Facebook / MANILA BULLETIN) UP Diliman Chancellor Michael Tan
(University of the Philippines / Facebook / MANILA BULLETIN)

In a letter addressed to the UP Board of Regents (BOR) dated October 10, 2019, Tan raised concern about the move to have a scheduled interview for the nominees for the deanship. “I hope will not be a precedent because it seems to render as useless the work of the search committees that were formed to tackle the deanships,” he said.

Tan noted that it had been “difficult” for him to form search committees since faculty members felt that it took “so much time, effort, and patience” in listening to colleagues “where there are factions and tensions.”

The Search Committee for the VSB Deanship started nominations last July. In a position paper issued by the Student Council in September, Tan said that they “have already expressed (their) concern about what (they) felt was undue interference into the search processes.”
In particular, he noted that “interviewing the nominees will be perceived as additional process into an academic process” which must be “left with the constituent universities.”

Tan also stressed that the “plan to interview nominees has fanned intrigues about more political appointees in the making.”

He also urged the BOR, chaired by Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Chairman Dr. Prospero De Vera III, to “value the reports of the search committees” as well as the letters of the Chancellor which “draw on the search committee’s recommendations.”

“We ask you that you trust our search committees so that in turn, we can trust the integrity of the Board’s appointments,” Tan added.

A source told the Manila Bulletin that the search for the next VSB dean was marred by alleged “irregularities” in the selection process.

Aside from Tan, the source noted that Faculty Regent Ramon Guillermo was also “protesting” the alleged irregularities in the VSB deanship process. In particular, many in the UP community are expressing concern on the BOR’s “disrespecting the recommendations” of the VSB Search Committee.

For instance, the source pointed out that “of the 5 nominees, Joel Tan-Torres (JTT), who has no academic experience, no Ph.D. and considered an outsider was not recommended by the BA Search Committee.” Guillermo, the source added, was “also considering qualifications” thus, he “did not vote for JTT.”

The source said that in such meetings of the BOR, “only top three candidates would be interviewed.” However, it “strangely” turned out that “all five were interviewed” which indicated that the BA’s Search Committee recommendations were “ignored.” It was also suspected “the balloting was repeated” until Tan-Torres was supposedly “elected.”

The source, who supports the rightful process and recommendations of the Search Committee, said that it was a clear violation of the “Integrity” of the process and the “disregard of choices of the faculty for Dean.”

In its Facebook page, the UP Business Administration Council announced that with a “6 - 5 voting tally, the Board of Regents has appointed” Torres as the “new dean” of the Cesar E. A Virata School of Business, formerly the College of Business Administration in UP Diliman.