'We had a very good day,' Trump says of Mueller hearing

By Agence France-Presse

US President Donald Trump declared Wednesday that Robert Mueller's high-stakes testimony in Congress had been a win for the White House -- and a "disaster" for his Democratic opponents.

US President Donald Trump Trump once more slammed Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling as a "witch hunt" after the special counsel wrapped up a day of testimony on Capitol Hill (AFP Photo/Roberto SCHMIDT) US President Donald Trump Trump once more slammed Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling as a "witch hunt" after the special counsel wrapped up a day of testimony on Capitol Hill (AFP Photo/Roberto SCHMIDT)

"We had a very good day today," Trump told reporters, once more slamming the special counsel's investigation into Russian election meddling as a "witch hunt."

"There was no defense to this ridiculous hoax," Trump charged.

"So this was a very big day for our country. This was a very big day for the Republican Party. And you could say it was a great day for me."

Asked about the fact Mueller denied having exonerated him of obstructing the two-year probe into Russian election meddling, Trump that the special counsel "didn't have the right to exonerate."

During seven hours of nationally-televised hearings, Mueller strongly denied Trump's charge that his two-year investigation was a "witch hunt" led by anti-Trump Democrats.

Trump dismissed Mueller's performance before two congressional committees -- during which he largely stuck to the script of his massive report -- as "obviously not very good."

"He had a lot of problems," Trump said. "But what he showed more than anything else is that this whole thing has been three years of embarrassment and waste of time for our country."

"This has been a disaster for the Democrats," he added.