The healing power of guyabano

Nelly Favis-Villafuerte Nelly Favis-Villafuerte

Do you know that guyabano, a native fruit abundant in our country has awesome healing power in twelve (12) types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer? Unbelievably, studies show that the compound extracted from guyabano is 10,000 times more potent in slowing the growth of cancer cells than adriamycin, a commonly used drug in chemotherapy.

And yet the guyabano compound kills only cancer cells and does not harm healthy cells. Research further shows that extracts from guyabano as a cancer cure do not cause severe nausea, weight loss or hair loss and the patient feels stronger during the treatment episode – compared to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

The scientific name of guyabano (a Tagalog word sometimes spelled as guayabano or guanabano) is annona muricata. In English, the fruit is known as soursop and the tree is known as the Graviola tree. In Brazil the fruit is known as pawpaw.

The graviola tree grows in warm tropical areas like in South America and in the Philippines. All parts of the guyabano, like bark, leaves, roots, fruits and seed are natural cures for many kinds of ailments. Aside from being a natural cancer treatment, guyabano is a sedative, a tranquilizer and a nerve tonic. It is also effective in maintaining our intestinal health like eliminating stomach and bowel discomforts. By lowering blood pressure, guyabano has a calming effect on our moods.

Here are additional trivia about the medicinal benefits of guyabano (soursop):

  • Do you know that in Netherlands, guyabano leaves are placed inside pillows or placed on top of the mattress to induce a good night’s sleep;
  • Do you know that the leaves can be used as a cure for gall bladder trouble as well as coughs, diarrhea, dysentery, fever and indigestion;
  • Do you know that the juice taken when fasting is reported to relieve liver ailments and leprosy;
  • Do you know that the seeds can be used in the treatment of vomiting;
  • Do you know that the leaf decoction is effective for head lice and bedbugs; and
  • Do you know that the crushed fresh leaves applied to skin eruptions hastens healing;
Yes, my dear readers. Guyabano is not just an ordinary fibrous fruit with a delectable flavor (a sweet-acidic taste). It is a healthy food. It is a safe and effective natural cancer killer which has the ability to kill cancer cells and preserves the healthy cells at the same time. This is the claim to fame of the graviola tree, a wonderful gift of our Lord God to us.

Have a joyful day!

(For comments/reactions please send to Ms. Villafuerte’s email: [email protected]).