We have many of the poor in Oxfam’s study

E CARTOON JAN 25, 2019On the eve  of  the   World Economic Forum (WEF) which meets every January  in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss the world’s most pressing issues affecting world economic growth, the international activist organization Oxfam issued last Monday a report on the growing disparity between the rich and the poor in  the world today.

The world’s 26 richest people, the Oxfam report said, own  the  same amount of wealth  as the 3.8 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity. The combined fortunes of these 26  billionaires further increased by $112 billion last year. In the same period, the fortunes of the world’s 3.8 biliion poorest people declined by 11 percent.

Governments around the world, Oxfam said, are  exacerbating the inequality by underfunding public health services like healthcare and education, while they consistently under-tax the wealthy.  If governments  can  get the world’s richest 1 percent to pay just  0.5 percent extra tax on their wealth, Oxfam said, they would raise enough money to educate 262 million children now out of school and provide health care for 3.3 million people.

These figures may draw the attention of many of those attending the World Economic Forum, but  the conference itself is not likely to take them up. Th000e business leaders, economists, and political  leaders attending the WEF forum are more concerned about  ongoing specific problems such as the US-China trade war and the supply and  rising global  prices of oil, that are affecting, or are likely to affect  economic stability and progress around the world today.

Oxfam’s findings, however, should be in the thinking of the leaders of the world’s various nations. Too often,  as  these  leaders  draw up plans for their countries’  growth and development as a whole, they neglect the concerns of the poor in their societies.

In most of 2018,  the  poor in our country suffered from high prices – inflation – to such a great extent, due to a combination of high global oil prices, new taxes, and price manipulation. In this new year of 2019, our officials should  keep a close watch on these same factors as they may rise again, setting  off a new wave of inflation that  will hurt the poorest of our people, who are part of the 3.8 billion in Oxfam’s study.