All precincts in ARMM open, except for three areas

By Leslie Ann Aquino


Except for three areas which are still being verified, all poll precincts were able to open in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, Monday, during the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan polls.

Commission on Elections Spokesman James Jimenez identified the three areas as Bacolod-Kalawi, Binidayan, and Masiu.

Comelec spokesperson James Jimenez speaks during a press conference at the commission on election command center in Intramuros, Manila, May 13,2018. (CAMILLE ANTE / MANILA BULLETIN) Comelec spokesperson James Jimenez speaks during a press conference at the commission on election command center in Intramuros, Manila, May 13, 2018.

In a press briefing, he said as of 10 am they cannot confirm yet the opening of the precincts in these three as they are having difficulty connecting with the officers there.

“There are cell site problems,” said Jimenez.

The same, he said go for Turtle Island in Tawi-Tawi.

“We are coursing communications now through the AFP. We should be able to update for Turtle Islands later in the day,” Jimenez said.

As of 10 a.m. all precincts in Basilan and Sulu are open, he said

Jimenez said in Maguindanao, they are all good.

As far as the other regions, he said the ones that are confirmed to have no problem reported are Region 1, CAR, Regions 3, 4A, 4B, 6, 7 and 8.

“As far as the other regions are concerned, the reports are still coming in...the situations in these regions that I named are nominal. They are okay. No problem,” said Jimenez.