Beauty in a bottle

By Dexter Francis De Vera

V&M Naturals essential oils will make your complexion not only smoother but also more nourished V&M Naturals essential oils will make your complexion not only smoother but also more nourished

Essential oils have enhanced our lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of benefits, from medicinal and dietary to cosmetic purposes. V&M (Venus & Mars) Naturals has always been at the forefront of bringing this ancient practice to modern users, allowing us to experience blissful wellness. V&M Naturals proudly launches its newest product range, the Aromatic Rituals, which has two components—the Ultra Nourishing Tonic All-Over Body Oil, which is not only formulated as a “carrier” oil but an overall beauty oil; and the 10 Essential Oils (Lemongrass, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Chamomile, Orange, Bergamot, Tea Tree, Ylang-Ylang, Lavender, and Frankincense), which you can mix together with the right proportion based on the recipes made available when you buy the product range. The essential oil mix will surely provide a holistic approach to your skin-care regimen.

Why settle for one bottle of essential oil when you can blend two or three to address any of your skin concerns Why settle for one bottle of essential oil when you can blend two or three to address any of your skin concerns

How to Use Essential Oils

You can access the power of essential oils in many ways, but the most common practices include aromatic diffusion or aromatherapy, topical application, and dietary consumption (make sure the essential oil is food-grade or in its concentrated form like V&M Naturals Pure Fully Refined Emu Oil).

Using essential oils aromatically does not require any special diffusing devices. In most cases, you can achieve the same health benefits by simply placing a few drops of essential oil in the palm of your hand that is then cupped around the nose as you breathe deeply. Or while at home, you can add a few drops of essentials oils in a spray bottle with water and spritz it over linens, carpets, and furniture. Aromatherapy, meanwhile, is proven to ease stress, anxiety, and depression. It can boost feelings of relaxation, improve sleep, and treat sleeping disorders like insomnia. Studies have shown that it can ease certain types of muscle pain.

The topical method is very effective because these oils have low molecular weight and are highly soluble, causing them to be absorbed by the skin easily and stay in the applied area. A word of caution: Not all essential oils in their undiluted form can be applied to your skin. Most of them need to be added to a carrier oil. Two essential oils that are less likely to cause irritation, side effects, or possible allergic reactions on their own are tea tree oil, which acts as an anti-fungal, anti­viral, and antiseptic remedy; and lavender oil, which can be used on minor burns and skin irritations. If you’re mixing your own, add two drops of undiluted essential oil to one to two ounces (30-60 ml) of carrier oil. Simply massage on forehead, temples, neck, chest, tummy, arms, legs, and heels to make your skin supple and silky smooth. You may add a few drops of oil to your warm bath or to your facial toner, body lotion, or moisturizer.

Essential oils can give you many health benefits when ingested, as well as when used as flavoring and aroma properties to food. Remember that essential oils are much more potent than dried or fresh herbs and spices, so start with a very small amount. You can add essential oils to your drinking water, smoothies, milk, tea, or other drinks.

The best thing about adding essential oils to your beauty routine or your diet is how easy it is. You are simply swapping the oil for another product you already use, or are adding it to something you already use or ingest. Easy peasy.


Traditional Medicine vs Essential Oils

While medicines usually infiltrate our bodies and give a toxic effect, essential oils have a detoxifying effect. It is only now that people are slowly starting to be aware of the beauty and goodness of using all-natural products. Most importantly, medicines misinform the body to offer temporary relief of symptoms, but true healing may never be obtained by using classic therapy only. Essential oils come with no side effects if applied properly and are designed to treat our bodies instead of relieving temporary pain while damaging another area. Whether it is being applied aromatically, topically, or internally, these application methods are safe when used appropriately to bring pure essence of health-promoting botanicals to your home, family, and life.


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