Water bottle with app that helps remind lazy drinkers to hydrate when needed

By Rizal Obanil

If you’re one of those who seldom drink or is often too lazy to go to the fridge or to the water dispenser to help yourself to a cold glass of water, then this app’s for you.

(image by H2OPal) (image by H2OPal)

The H20Pal Smart Bottle is featured in Carlos Cardoniga’s column Mashable deals on Mashable Asia.

The product is literally a water bottle with an app that helps remind “lazy drinkers” to hydrate every once in a while.

It works by tracking your drinking behavior and sends a message to your smartphone whenever it is necessary to drink water.

Also, one can set “hydration goals” that is easily adjustable depending on daily activity, weather and physical profile.

The body’s water needs can be computed by dividing your weight by two. Whatever is the dividend is your body’s water requirements in ounces.

Now, if you are more active you might want to take in more.

This product is really appealing if not for its hefty price of $97.13. It comes in blue and pink.