If you have doubts, then it is prudent to seek professional guidance.
Why New Year’s resolutions don’t work
Know what it takes to sustain your health goals this 2025
At a glance
You begin the year with so much determination. You have a list of resolutions and you have a good feeling that you will succeed this year. The first few days will go perfectly well until you reach your threshold of restraint and deprivation. You begin to spiral down and get back to your old habits. Well, at least you’ve tried, right? So that means you aren’t hopeless. However, there are some factors that are hindering you from being successful in sustaining your New Year’s resolutions.
Firstly, what is your purpose? Is it just to lose weight and to look good? Once you start looking good and lose some weight, you might feel the need to reward yourself. And once you give in to your cravings, you will slowly switch back to your old ways. And the cycle of deprivation and overindulgence happens. Instead of having superficial reasons for having New Year’s resolutions, why don’t you begin to reflect on why you need to be healthy beginning this year until the end of your life?
A patient once came to my clinic and when I asked her for the reason why she came to see me, she replied: “My husband and I are happy with the way I look but I want to be healthy for my family.”
If you understand that God’s will for us is to be healthy so we can be a blessing to other people, as well as, to be able to be used by God for his purposes in our life, then each time you exercise or choose healthy food, you’d know that it isn’t solely for losing weight. It is to achieve God’s purpose in your life and be a good steward of the body that was given to you. To be healthy. If you are well deep inside, it will radiate through your body and overall appearance.
When you have a profound purpose in your wellness journey, you have to fully commit to it. Being committed means you do it even if you don’t feel like doing it. Chocolates taste better than fruits but you know that it’s the fiber and phytonutrients from fruit that your body needs, right? Just eat the fruit, regardless of how you feel. We eat nutritious food because we need it for nourishment. Pleasure is secondary and treats aren’t supposed to be daily.
Don’t feel like exercising? Do it anyway. You’ll be amazed by how your energy level will build up as you move more. It only takes a few minutes of exercise and you won’t feel as sluggish. If you have scheduled your exercise or rest day and someone wants to invite you out, you can politely decline and say that you already have a prior engagement. You don’t need to feel embarrassed about having an appointment with yourself. You can set that date on a day when you haven’t committed to exercising or resting.
Commitment is not only intentional. It also requires setting boundaries. When you are committed to avoiding alcoholic beverages, smoking, or even doing recreational drugs, then you have to learn how to say no like a pro. No need to explain. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for pursuing health. Simply say no. If you have committed to eating more vegetables and it’s not available when you dine out with friends, then simply prepare some smoothies at home or take a freeze-dried functional food like berries or wheatgrass with you. When you’re offered sweets and you know that you’ve had enough, simply say “No, thank you.” It will feel awkward at first, but as you learn to set boundaries, you will have the freedom from being a people pleaser and you will be healthier. “
Another factor that renders resolutions unsuccessful is doubt. If you are doubtful that you will have a genuine transformation, then you won’t succeed. According to the wisest man on earth King Solomon in Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Your thoughts and the propensity of your heart will shape your reality. If you are a doubtful dieter, then even if you try to eat healthy or exercise, you will eventually switch back to old eating habits and be sedentary when you don’t see immediate progress because deep in your heart, you don’t believe that things will work well for you.
If you have doubts, then it is prudent to seek professional guidance. Quit the habit of using search engines to find answers to your questions. There is a reason why health professions are regulated with licensure examinations. Health issues are meant to be dealt with in a personalized approach with proper assessment and diagnosis. This isn’t something that Google can provide for you. When it comes to diet and nutrition, only a registered nutritionist dietitian is allowed by the law Republic Act 10862 to give advice on diet and nutrition. Do not be deceived by pseudo-dietitians and health coaches that do not hold a license to assess, diagnose, and give recommendations.
When it comes to medications and treatments, make sure you seek a medical professional. When it comes to exercise, make sure you are guided by a registered physical therapist, a health and fitness coach who has the proper credentials, or a sports science or exercise medicine graduate. Ask for credentials. It is your right.
As you begin your wellness journey this 2025, sustain your New Year’s resolutions throughout your lifetime by having a deeper sense of purpose, being committed, intentional, and setting boundaries, as well as, renewing your mind, finding hope in your heart and being guided by qualified health professionals.
Have a happy healthy new year!