Why you need to declutter now

If you’re not in the mood, it might be your surroundings

At a glance

  • De-cluttering isn’t merely a chore. It’s an act of self-care and empowerment.


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Do you ever find yourself feeling stuck, battling brain fog, or struggling with chronic fatigue? If so, you might want to take a closer look at your surroundings. Often, the clutter in our physical environment reflects the clutter in our minds. But fear not, because decluttering can be the key to unlocking a sense of freedom and rejuvenation. Let’s embark on this transformative journey.

A. Start with an honest assessment 

Begin by looking around your living space, starting with your bedroom, if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Consider beginning with the living room, the first impression for visitors. Put yourself in their shoes and observe how you’d feel upon entering your home.

Take a moment to step into your living room as if you were a guest. What catches your eye first? Is it tidy and welcoming or cluttered and chaotic? Take note of any areas that could use a little sprucing up or organizing. Remember, creating a comfortable and inviting space doesn’t require a complete overhaul. Sometimes small changes can make a big difference. So, grab a notepad and jot down your observations, then prioritize what needs attention first. You’ll be surprised at how a little effort can transform your living space into a place you’re proud to show off.

Now, let’s identify the “toxic things” lurking in your space. 

1. Things you no longer use 

2. Unused or disliked clothing, esp. torn underwear 

3. Broken objects 

4. Old papers, receipts, and magazines 

5. Dead or unhealthy plants 

6. Damaged shoes 

7. Non-functional tech gadgets, appliances, and furniture 

8. Broken toys 

9. Expired cosmetics, medicines, and condiments

B. Classify and conquer

Sort your findings into three categories: to give away, to throw away, and to sell. Take your time going from drawer to drawer, assessing each item’s usefulness and emotional value. You might even discover treasures to gift or upcycle, saving them from the landfill. Those things that cannot be recycled and upcycled, give away, especially if you honestly have no time to attend to it. 

Now that you’ve taken stock of your living space, it’s time to tackle the sorting process. Start by designating separate areas for items to give away, throw away, and sell. As you go through each drawer or closet, ask yourself when the last time you used or appreciated each item was. If it’s been collecting dust for months or years, it might be time to part ways. Be mindful of sentimental attachments, but remember that letting go can also free up physical and mental space.

For items that are still in good condition but no longer serve you, consider donating them to a local charity or passing them on to friends or family who might find value in them. Not only does this reduce waste, it also gives your belongings a chance to bring joy to someone else’s life. As for items that are beyond repair or reuse, be sure to dispose of them responsibly, either through recycling programs or proper waste management channels. By decluttering with intention, you’re creating a more organized living space as well as contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.

C.Clearing the mental clutter

In addition to decluttering the physical items in your space, it’s equally important to address the non-physical sources of clutter that can impact your wellbeing. Start by giving your ears a break from constant stimulation by reducing your use of headphones or earbuds, allowing yourself moments of peace and quiet throughout the day. Next, consider adjusting the brightness settings on your electronic devices to reduce eye strain and promote healthier screen habits. Finally, take a look at your cosmetic routine and consider cutting back on products that contain harsh chemicals and opting for makeup-free days whenever possible to give your skin a chance to breathe and rejuvenate. 

Additionally, take time to declutter your digital space by organizing your computer files, unsubscribing from unnecessary emails, and deleting unused apps from your phone. Streamlining your digital life can help reduce mental clutter and increase productivity. Don’t forget to also declutter your schedule by prioritizing tasks, setting boundaries, and making time for self-care activities. By simplifying both your physical and nonphysical surroundings, you can create a more peaceful and harmonious living environment that promotes overall wellbeing.

Embracing a clutter-free lifestyle goes beyond simply tidying up; it’s about prioritizing your mental and physical well-being. By decluttering, you can experience myriad benefits. First, a tidy space cultivates mental clarity, leading to increased productivity as you can focus more effectively on the tasks at hand. Second, clearing physical clutter can alleviate stress and anxiety, fostering an enhanced mood and an overall sense of calm and contentment. Additionally, a clutter-free bedroom promotes better sleep, creating a serene environment conducive to restful nights. Last, letting go of unnecessary possessions lightens your mental load, resulting in boosted energy levels and a greater sense of motivation to tackle the day ahead.

As a final point, de-cluttering isn’t merely a chore. It’s an act of self-care and empowerment. By taking the time to purge the unnecessary from your life, you make space for the things that truly matter, both physically and mentally. So, why wait? Start your decluttering journey today and reap the rewards of a clearer, happier life.