Detoxifying after feasting

Know how to naturally get rid of toxins in the body

At a glance

  • As you welcome the New Year, get rid of accumulated holiday toxins and excess weight by eating fresh produce that contain antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber.



And so it happened once again. No matter how determined you were, it was just close to impossible for you to perfectly adhere to your diet plan during the holiday season. Tell me you didn’t even take a bite of ham or lechon or dessert. You did, right? That isn’t so bad if all you had was just a little taste. Unfortunately, many of us may have had more than one bite of these calorie, sugar, and fat-laden treats. Now, it’s time to get back on track. Begin the new year by detoxifying your body.


But before you get duped into purchasing products that promise band-aid solutions to your health concerns, why don’t you detoxify naturally? The body has been created with detoxifying systems in place. We get rid of toxins through the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal system, lungs, and even the skin. If we ensure that these organs are healthy, they will surely do their job by functioning well.


Here are some signs that your body has accumulated toxins from unhealthy food choices, food additives and chemicals, inadequate sleep, being sedentary, and simply having exposure to pollution and other environmental toxins in addition to the free radicals and toxic chemicals that the body produces when under stress. Let’s face it. Despite the merriment during the Christmas season, it could also take its toll on our physical and mental well-being. 


Here are some signs that you need to begin detoxifying this 2025. You are sluggish, easily fatigued, have skin issues, sleeping problems,aches and pains like a headache, allergies, bloating, a weakened immune system, brain fog, and digestive issues like constipation, diarrhea or hyperacidity, and indigestion.


The first thing you need to do is to drink water regularly throughout the day. Apart from 1 to 2 cups of brewed coffee or pure cocoa and up to about five cups of tea per day, water must be your major fluid intake. Plain coffee and tea have antioxidants that are beneficial to the liver, a major organ that is involved in detoxifying drugs and alcohol, destroying cellular wastes, and even harmful microorganisms. It also removes excess hormones that can cause imbalances in the body. The liver produces bile to break down fat and also regulates glucose. Basically, the fat and carbs that you have feasted on over the holidays. Furthermore, alcoholic beverages kill liver cells. 


Fortunately, the cells regenerate when you quit alcohol and eat vegetables that are high in sulforaphane like cruciferous vegetables that include cabbage, broccoli, watercress, cauliflower, radish, and more.


Drinking water and tea will help with blood circulation and lowering of blood glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides. It is also essential for the production of immune cells that help the body fight infections and get rid of toxins. From now on, avoid sugary beverages and those that contain dairy like cow’s milk and cream. If you want to start detoxifying your liver, heart, and kidneys, not to mention healing your gut lining, stick to water with some tea, plain coffee, and pure cocoa.


When it comes to detoxification, adding fiber to water intake is best. Fiber acts like a broom in the gastrointestinal tract. With everything that you eat over the holidays, it is important to make sure that you excrete waste through the stool. Toxins, excess hormones, excess protein, cholesterol, and fats are eliminated through bowel movement. Unfortunately, unhealthy food like sugar and fats can make the stool difficult to pass. Lack of water intake and fiber from plant food sources will also cause constipation. Thus, wastes and toxins remain inside the body and can be reabsorbed by the cells. 


It is now time for you to make vegetables including legumes your main dishes in addition to whole grains like brown, red or black rice, quinoa, adlai, and oats. If you can have at least one vegetarian meal a day for starters then you’re off to a good start. Instead of desserts, you can have a serving of fruit after a meal or as a snack. Eating a variety of fresh produce every day will make your gut microbiome (the beneficial microorganisms in the intestines) multiply. This will help with many processes in the body including boosting the immune system and helping manage one’s weight. Wouldn’t you want to lose those excess pounds you gained from Christmas calories?


Lastly, it is time to get physically active. You can walk or pace several times a day or better yet schedule your exercise. Aim for at least two and a half hours of moderate-intensity exercise per week. Exercising isn’t just about burning excess calories and stored fat. Exercising causes you to sweat. Didn’t I mention that we detoxify through the skin as well? Toxins are embedded under the skin. We get rid of these toxins when we work out a sweat. That is why forms of hydrotherapy like saunas and ultrasonic hydrotherapy baths can also aid in detoxification through the skin. 


Exercise also stimulates the lymphatic system to flow and drain the body of toxins. Unfortunately, the lymphatic system does not have a pump, unlike the circulatory system which is being powered by every beat of the heart. The lymphatic system relies on muscle movement for it to flow. 


As you welcome the New Year, get rid of accumulated holiday toxins and excess weight by eating fresh produce that contain antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber. Have a habit of drinking water throughout the day, incorporate movement regularly, and schedule your exercise every week.


Have a happy healthy New Year!


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