Misconceptions about meditation

Why it is a practice good for your body. mind, and soul.

“Meditation is hard.” 
“It takes a lot of time.” 
“I’m not a religious person.”

These are just some of the things a lot of people say about meditation when in fact, none of those are true. Meditation is a practice that is personal. It could be a start in one’s day to feel focused, or for some it is a way to end their night for a good rest. But even if a lot of people know the benefits of meditation, those comments above are some of the few reasons others just won’t give it a try, or would give up easily. This week, let’s talk about the misconceptions about meditation. If you are hesitant to begin, may this article encourage you to start this practice.  


Meditation has its roots beginning from early history, having been a part of different religious traditions and practices. This ancient practice has been around and has also found a place in modern living because of the benefits it can bring, among them relieving stress, improving focus, and improving the quality of sleep. What may keep one from even beginning to practice, however, are the wrong impressions about it. Below are the common misconceptions about meditation. 

  • You have to eliminate all thoughts. Meditation is not about removing thoughts but more about being aware of them, observing them, and letting them come and go.
  • You have to practice for years to get the benefits. Studies say that it takes from a few weeks to months to start getting the benefits such as an improvement in mood and memory, but you can start experiencing the benefits of meditation when it comes to stress after just a session or two.
  • You have to spend a lot of time. Meditation is not a strict practice that should start and end on a specific time frame as, especially for beginners, it can take only five minutes to start. It all depends on your willingness and your commitment to it.
  • You have to meditate in a specific way. There is no one way to meditate. In fact, there are different types of meditation, and not all of them require being still, such as yoga. 

Meditation should not be difficult. In this day and age there are a lot of ways to learn meditation. From articles and apps to videos and classes, you will be able to find what suits you best. Whenever you struggle to begin or lack the motivation to do so on a regular basis, always remember the benefits that it can bring for your body, mind, and overall wellbeing. To those who practice it, one thing is for sure: Meditation is definitely worth it.