How to address genital itching

How to naturally get rid of bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidiasis

It is quite embarrassing for women to openly talk about what’s going on in the most intimate part of their body—the vagina. If we don’t openly talk about it, however, we will never get past the suffering from itchiness, redness, burning sensation, soreness, rash, vaginal discharge, and other symptoms affecting the nether region as a result of infections caused by bacteria or yeast.

If you have been silently dealing with vaginal itchiness like it has become a cyclical part of your life, let me tell you, this is not normal. Perhaps you get prescriptions that offer temporary relief yet the itchiness comes back after some time. You should not turn a blind eye on something that can be solved through practical behavior modification.

Bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidiasis (the one caused by yeast or fungus) are the main causes of intense itchiness of the vagina, as well as the surrounding tissues called the vulva. Both infections are not considered as sexually transmitted.

What causes these bad bacteria and fungus to thrive and cause inflammation in the vaginal area? Have you taken broad spectrum antibiotics for five to seven days? Have you taken any antibiotics for weeks or have been on antibiotic therapy several times? While antibiotics are not totally bad and may be needed to treat some cases of infection, this type of drug can kill not only the pathogenic or bad bacteria but the beneficial bacteria in the body as well.

The beneficial bacteria thrive in the vaginal area, bladder, and largely in the gut or intestines (gut microbiome). The good bacteria play a role in ensuring that our immune system is healthy enough to fight off infections. When an imbalance in the gut microbiome occurs, in this case due to medications, we are prone to getting that frustrating vaginal itchiness. Unless we intentionally repopulate the friendly bacteria by taking probiotic supplements, consuming fermented food and beverages like kombucha or water kefir, and eating prebiotics that will feed the good bacteria in the form of bananas, oats, soy, green tea, honey, onion, apple, asparagus, and prebiotic supplements that usually come in powdered forms.

Another way to depress your immune system is by not having adequate and restful sleep. When you are sleep-deprived due to stress and anxiety or perhaps due to entertainment in the guise of engaging in a relaxing activity or reward, you harm your gut microbiome. If you feel itchy down there, why don’t you assess your sleeping pattern and practice sleep hygiene? A good seven to eight hours of sleep will surely help alleviate the itchiness.

Been getting enough sleep, haven’t popped antibiotics in a long time, and still suffering from vaginal itching? Let’s assess the food that you often eat. I’m talking about your snacks. You may be having healthy square meals yet get sugar cravings in between meals or feel the need to indulge in sugary drinks or desserts. Are chocolates, candies, pastries, breads and other sweet treats a staple in your daily diet? Then sugar must be the culprit! Cut down on your sugar intake or avoid it altogether. Sugar favors the growth of yeast! Is your diet high in refined carbohydrates like breads, pasta, cakes, and sweets? Do you eat loads of white rice? How about your choice of beverages? Do you choose instant coffee over brewed? Think about which sources of sugar you need to let go of in order to feel better down there.

Another thing to consider is that yeast and bacteria proliferate in moist environment. Nylon and synthetic fabrics trap moisture. Wear underwear made from pure cotton or silk as these materials allow your skin to breathe and they absorb moisture. It is also best to wear pantyliners and pads that have anion strip to help decrease bacterial growth.

Lastly, consult a registered nutritionist dietitian or one who practices integrative and functional nutrition regarding the use of some botanicals that have antimicrobial properties like grapefruit seed extract, grapeseed, uva ursi, berberine, L-theanine, garlic, echinacea, and ginseng.

Say goodbye to vaginal itching. Begin these practical lifestyle modifications to live an itch-free life!

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