BOC set to enforce standardized customs fees, charges

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has rolled out a new regulation that will establish uniformity in collecting fees and charges to enhance transparency and streamline operations.

Under Customs Administrative Order (CAO) No. 02-2024, all stakeholders, including shipping lines, airlines, importers, and customs brokers, will now be subject to standardized service fees, dues, and charges. 

The BOC said these fees would be pooled into a trust fund to cover allowances and overtime services for Customs personnel.

In parallel, the agency said distinct fees such as processing charges and legal fees will be collected independently, with the proceeds contributed to the General Fund for broader government expenditures.

Custom Commissioner Bienvenido Y. Rubio said these changes create consistent fee structures while ensuring operational transparency and efficiency within the bureau. 

CAO No. 02-2024 will take effect on June 10, 2024, in line with the bureau's ongoing efforts to optimize its fee collection practices.

“The implementation of this Customs Administrative Order is a crucial step in furtherance of standardizing our fee structures and establishing clear guidelines on the collection of Customs Fees, Dues, and Charges,” Rubio said. 

“We are doing this to establish uniformity, ensure transparency in our operations, and provide a mechanism for the payment of overtime work and other services delivered by the BOC," he added.