LTFRB implements heavy penalties vs 'colorum', other violations

At a glance

  • The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) will impose heavy fines and penalties on public utility vehicle (PUV) operators who are overloading overcharging and using “colorum” vehicles, the agency warned Wednesday, April 5.

The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) is implementing heavy fines and penalties on public utility vehicle (PUV) operators, who are overloading, overcharging and using “colorum” vehicles.

The agency on Wednesday, April 5, warned that passengers should be wary of transport companies, or even private vehicles that may operate as “for hire” vehicles, taking advantage of the busy Holy Week season.

LTFRB Chairman Teofilo Guadiz III admonished as he feared some PUV operators might take in more passengers than what their vehicles can accommodate safely during the heavy travel period.

Overloading is not allowed in public transportation as it endangers the lives of all those inside, the driver and conductor and the passengers, he underscored.

Already, LTFRB has received reports of certain transport companies overcharging fares.

This is prohibited, Chairman Guadiz stressed, inasmuch as transport firms should strictly follow the LTFRB fare matrix.

Furthermore, some private vehicles are also operating as for hire (“colorum”) without proper authority from the LTFRB, in violation ofcthe law.

Aside from private vehicles, the law defines “colorum” vehicles as PUVs that operate outside of its approved route, those that operate differently from its authorized denomination, like a tourist bus operating as a PUB, or a PUV with a suspended, cancelled, or expired Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC).

Those found to be overloading, LTFRB imposes a fine of P5,000 for PUV operators on their first offense; P10,000 plus impoundment of the unit for 30 days for the second offense, and a P15,000 fine plus cancellation of the CPC for the third offense.

For PUVs found to be overcharging or even undercharging fares, the agency slaps a fine of P5,000 for the first offense; P10,000 fine and impounding of the unit for 30 days for the second offense, and a fine of P15,000 and cancellation of CPC for the third offense.

For “colorum” vehicles, on the other hand, whether bus, truck, jeepney, van, sedan or motorcycle, LTFRB imposes a fine of P1 million, P200,000, P50,000, P200,000, P120,000, and P6,000, respectively.

In addition, the vehicle will be impounded for three months, for the first offense. This includes revocation of the CPC and blacklisting of the apprehended vehicle, and revocation of the registration of the apprehended vehicle.

For the second offense, the agency will revoke all CPCs or the entire fleet of the operator, disqualify the operator (and disqualify the stockholders and directors if the operator is a corporation) from operating any kind of public land transportation.

On top of these the operator will be blacklisted and the registration of all his authorized units will be revoked.