Happy New Year!
We welcome 2023 with the best hopes that generally, we’d all be better than we were last year. Whether you’d label 2022 as a kind, good and robust time, or it was memorable because it was a hard, hurtful year that caused you grief and was filled with stiff challenges, we can agree that there’s a lot of room for improvement with the coming of the new year. In fact, we’ve always looked at this time as a chance to hit the restart button. Or a time to roll out the new updates so to speak, that improves on the bugs and fixes of last year’s model.
The same sentiment can be said of the pop music scene. There’s the inevitable new music from established music acts as they look at 2023 as a chance to grow and expand musically as artists. Doesn’t matter what tier. Superstar solo music act; band-of-the-moment; hit-balladeer; number one boyband (or girlband); current viral rap track or alt-pop hero. It’s the same. You always look to improve as an artist. It can be as simple as releasing a new single that highlights a new sound, look or skill, or even the simple act of putting out a new song, as long as it announces to the world (to their listeners most importantly) that they are still in the thick of things and putting out something new.
Sarah Geronimo certainly falls into the solo superstar category and has proven time and again that a new release from her is always a big deal. And she’s certainly been busy the past few weeks and months having released a pair of new original singles (and a cover). Sarah G even dropped a brand new single titled “Sansinukob Salamat” just before 2022 ended. Sarah G is a prime example of a pop artist that always looks out in trying something new when it comes to her music. She does exactly that in her sparse but melodic sounding new single. The song (written by newbie pop artist Sam Benwick) is inspirational as it is head-bobbingly catchy. Stylistically, it is quite the jump from “Forever’s Not Enough.” And we’re sure that’s how SG wants it.
Checking out an artist’s creative trajectory is a pastime. That’s why we like listening to the likes of Ben&Ben because their last single “Dear” sounded different and yet so on brand of them. Or rap act BECAUSE who recently dropped a full-length album titled “12:34” with nine new songs including lo-fi groover “Ready” that’s stylistically a far cry from his “Marlboro Black” days.
Even Ex Battalion, because you can always trust that crew’s YouTube channel that’s always trending. Their new track “Idol” is actually about another short form video platform (TikTok) and it’s an anthem-in-the-making for the popular rap group.
It would be interesting where hit music acts such as Zack Tabudlo, Arthur Nery, Adie, Unique Salonga or the likes of Blaster and Zild will take their music. Zild’s album “Medisina,” released late October, sounds great with its early new wave-synth wave inspired sounds. “Crab” and “Dekada ’70” from said album definitely sounds like The Cure or early Duran Duran. Good vibes in short.
And we’re also definitely looking forward to those newbie acts that made themselves known the past year like alt-pop singer-songwriters MRLD, Keneniah, R&B music specialists Jin Chan, Deny, indie-pop sounding Sam Benwick. pop stylist Silas and all those that are yet to throw their hats in the game. But that would be for another article.
When it comes to pop music, the world needs new!