Solon: P20 per kilo rice still possible for 2024

AGRI Party-list Rep. Wilbert T. Lee on Tuesday, January 9, expressed confidence that President Marcos’ promise of ensuring a lower price of rice at P20 per kilo is still doable especially this year 2024.


In renewing his push for the passage of House Bill No. 9020 or the “Cheaper Rice Act,” Lee said he is confident such promise can materialize. 


Lee renewed his push for the passage of the bill which primarily seeks to establish a “price subsidy program” that would help local farmers ensure their profit and entice them to boost their production.


Unde the bill, the Department of Agriculture (DA), in coordination with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and other relevant agencies, will buy palay from farmers at higher prices, and sell the rice to consumers at cheaper rates. 


“We see this Cheaper Rice Act as a solution to our aspiration to achieve a P20/kilo rice, so this should be turned into a priority measure so it can be enacted into law as soon as possible,” Lee said. 


Under the proposal, the government will increase the price of rice by P5 to P10 per kilo and the government will buy from local farmers so that they will be sure to make money. 


“When there is income, they will continue to increase their production,” explained Lee.


He also said the measure will address concerns that farmers are forced to sell their land because they are not earning. 


"If there is a profit per kilo, no one will think of selling their land. Even their children and youths will be enticed to enter farming," he pointed out.


The bill also aims to achieve a rice self-sufficiency program for the Philippines, as it seeks to lessen the government’s dependence on rice importation.


“With more income, we empower our farmers to provide food for their family and for the entire country, at the same time easing their concerns about getting sick because they cannot afford medical treatment or hospital expenses,” he stressed.